#indieweb 2022-03-27
2022-03-27 UTC
barnaby, cybi, darkkirb, jacky, trig[d], jarkad, gxt, angelo, mro, balupton[d], sayanarijit[d], Nuve, tetov-irc, hoenir_, marksuth[d], _indieweb-irc-br, trig[d]_, Silicon[d], _toby3d[d], _shaunix[d], _wackycity[d], _corenominal[d], Crypto[d], YimingWu[d], hans63us[d], Christian_Olivie, capjamesg[d], hepphepp[d], eqirax[d], laker[d], mossymaker[d], Nuve4, indieweb-irc-bri, hoenir, shaunix[d], toby3d[d], corenominal[d], wackycity[d], _YimingWu[d], _Silicon[d], petermolnar, Nan[d], daiyi[d], chenghiz_, dovedozen[d], [manton], Asaf_Agranat[d], lagash, rattroupe[d] and kimberlyhirsh[d] joined the channel
angelo, cybi, mro, zack[m]1, barnaby, Darius_Dunlap[d], justOkay, jacky and Jeremiah[d] joined the channel
mro and mro_ joined the channel
cybi joined the channel
angelo joined the channel
barnaby joined the channel
barryf[d], Jack[d], tetov-irc, jacky, cybi, mossymaker[d], dovedozen[d], Christian_Olivie, Darius_Dunlap[d], kimberlyhirsh[d], indieweb-irc-bri, Nan[d], rattroupe[d], daiyi[d], hoenir, trig[d], YimingWu[d], capjamesg[d], Asaf_Agranat[d], Silicon[d], wackycity[d], marksuth[d], Jeremiah[d], corenominal[d], shaunix[d], toby3d[d] and petermolnar joined the channel