#indieweb 2022-04-17

2022-04-17 UTC
darkkirb, n8chz, IWDiscordGateway, j12t, jacky and spreadsheet joined the channel
is this correct regarding the logs for today? no one spoke today?
oh I see 4/17 just started
the permalinks are in UTC, but the timestamps will be displayed in your chosen timezone
shindakun joined the channel
aaronpk: thank you; I see on your website (https://aaronparecki.com/aaronpk) you have badge buttons at the bottom?
I've been looking for the official name for these for a while; but I can't seem to find them
Aaron Parecki
hm, i don't know about official names
what are buttons?
Buttons (badges, logos, banners) that you can use to link to indieweb.org https://indieweb.org/buttons
"buttons" does seem to be the common term across the older sites
yes I refer to https://indieweb.org/File:indiewebcamp-button.png these things
I mean of course there are many buttons
aaronpk I see you use Backblaze; I'm considering using it myself
have you noticed any issues? I don't think I'll have more than 2TB; but I am wondering whether there's a cost to the low price compared to other services
I don't intend to download that often or need to access say 10TB very quickly in a day kind of thing
afaik that is the main concern. i haven't had to recover anything from it yet, but other than that i am happy with it.
Moosadee, vika_nezrimaya, jacky, AM1 and [fluffy] joined the channel
I use Backblaze and similarly I have like a 3TB backup there but I've never needed to restore.
Oh also I use B2 storage to back up my NAS with like 10TB of data. And again I haven't needed to restore ever.
gxt, petermolnar, mro, justache, tetov-irc, neceve, nertzy, jacky, peterrother and Saklad5 joined the channel
Hi, I've been looking at IndieWeb for a bit and I'd like some advice on something.
I'd like to rework my online presence around a custom domain, but I'm not sure I want to set up servers for self-hosting everything just yet.
As a transitory step, is it workable to simply use CNAME records to point to SaaS platforms I might self-host in the future?
As a specific example, if I made my custom domain point to GitLab.com, could I then use my own domain now and potentially move everything to a self-hosted GitLab instance in the future?
Yes, that's part of the value of having your own domain where you control the dns.
Would that cause TLS certificate mismatches?
More broadly, would the canonical domain need to do something to allow it?
That can add more complexity, yes. What is https?
What is https?
HTTPS is an abbreviation for Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure, a form of HTTP where the communication is encrypted https://indieweb.org/HTTPS
Lots of help on that page
For the moment, I'm trying to get as much out of my custom domain as possible without incurring additional server costs. Partially because I'm planning to see if I can run everything from a home NAS.
mro joined the channel
So, my takeaway from [this](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/355575) is that GitLab currently doesn't support that, and probably won't support it without paid plan in the future.
Which I suppose is fair
mro, Oclair, ShinyCyril, hoschi-it, jacky, justache, angelo and nertzy joined the channel; justache left the channel
Saklad5 we're definitely big fans of custom domains on top of hosting solutions here, SaaS and otherwise! lots more info in https://indieweb.org/web_hosting#Custom_domain_silos and https://indieweb.org/web_hosting#Static_domain_hosting and nearby
we're also very open to paid hosts, especially with reasonable pricing. we believe in sustainable business models, we want hosts to stay in business, and we especially like when they have alternatives to ads
eg micro.blog's $5/mo plan is very reasonable. (and it supports custom domains too!)
tetov-irc, alephalphazero, nertzy and angelo joined the channel