#indieweb 2022-05-08

2022-05-08 UTC
jacky joined the channel
I am re-reading some wiki articles where my posts were mentioned and the nature of IndieWeb to spark discussions around posts makes me feel really good
Like I'm a part of something bigger!
I also forgot to make Kittybox's new shiny Rust version backfill symlinks when it imports posts, so my post archive's old permalinks are broken. Currently I'm replacing them with direct UID links (since those are permanent) but I have all of the info to restore and preserve the old URLs too
I need to do the same re: backfill from my Elixir setup
I figured I'd do that, then my old Jekyll site and to my very older blog posts
then I can begin the true backfill from silos (as that'll probably take hours)
vika_nezrimaya: do write about your progress!
Saloframes, DenMcH, tbbrown and jacky joined the channel
!tell jacky made a quick post to not forget an approach I think will be suitable for the job: https://fireburn.ru/posts/mending-broken-permalinks-part-1
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
Mending what's broken, or how I discovered some broken links on my website
i need to sleep...or to drink some coffee... im not actually sure which one is it
considering i probably have not slept for 18 hours it might be both
sleep might be better! :)
jacky: vika_nezrimaya left you a message 1 minute ago: made a quick post to not forget an approach I think will be suitable for the job: https://fireburn.ru/posts/mending-broken-permalinks-part-1
I'll check this out
please don't do like i do, including posting unfinished and unlinted code snippets while being extremely sleepy
but i'm really afraid i might just forget half of it when i wake up
having it on my website will help with retaining the knowledge and public accountability and i guess it also kinda counts as a post-mortem
always wanted to write a post-mortem, its kinda cool to read them
because people know where they made a mistake and then thoroughly explain it so others dont make the same exact mistake
a practice of software engineering I think that came from hardware engineering (and civic)
DenMcH, GWG, mro, [tw2113_Slack_], tbbrown, jacky, rvalue, tetov-irc, hoschi-it, HuguesRoss and AramZS joined the channel
"post-mortem" is a bit dark for the main channel, shall we add it to the /jargon list for #indieweb-dev?
blahblah441_, GWG, n8chz, mro, webmind and [snarfed] joined the channel
could someone try logging into Bridgy with Twitter and check that it still works?
got a report that it's broken, https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy/issues/1192, but I can't reproduce, tried with multiple accounts, browsers, IPs
[RitikPatni] #1192 Unable to sign in to twitter from bridgy's home page
(just click the Twitter button on https://brid.gy/ (
[snarfed]: works here
just tried it and got a yellow banner at the top saying "Updated t (Twitter). Refresh in a minute to see what we've found!"
the icon next to my handle and domain looks like a broken image tho
thank you both!
the icon to the left of " t ยท tantek.com "
might be FF strictly blocking a Twitter domain img embed
yeah that happens to me too, may be firefox's tracking protection, iirc it avoids loading images from silos
angelo and mro joined the channel
They shipped it already? Wow. I hope I didn't mess up. Also, I should make the test rig I was thinking about
Ritik joined the channel
[RitikPatni] #1192 Unable to sign in to twitter from bridgy's home page
Regarding this issue can any of you please check if it is working for you when you're not logged into twitter or in incognito for me it happens everywhere so don't know what's wrong at my end
Can I send that as a webmention to github?
OK, we should try some webmentions from tumblr to those of us with webmention tooling, and look at the repost markup I used as that is a prime tumblr mode
friendly reminder [KevinMarks], it seems like this conversation is more appropriate for #indieweb-dev (Microformats, markup, tooling)
jacky, tbbrown, AramZS, mro, angelo and [Scott_Jack] joined the channel
KevinMarks has 5 karma in this channel over the last year (49 in all channels)
Great job with the improvements to Tumblr
[KevinMarks] has 6 karma in this channel over the last year (50 in all channels)
jacky, [sebsel] and [calumryan] joined the channel
whoa looks like we need to do reviews for updates ๐Ÿ˜‚ [KevinMarks]++
[KevinMarks] has 7 karma in this channel over the last year (51 in all channels)
seekr and tetov-irc joined the channel