#IWDiscordGateway<capjamesg> Oh I forgot about the Discord Loqi thing.
gxt, rvalue, mro, schmudde, vroman, nixer, tetov-irc, gRegor and [tonz] joined the channel; nixer left the channel
#[tonz]not IndieWeb per se, but IndieWeb adjacent: adding an option in my microsub client, next to the micropub actions, to store a markdown version of an article in my notes. Including things like the rationale for saving an article and keywords I associate it with.
mro, cybi, nixer, anonymous and jacky joined the channel
#Loqigiving credit is a collection of cultural practices related to acknowledging and attributing text, hyperlinks, quotes, utterances to others, typically by name, as a way of recognizing their contribution(s) https://indieweb.org/giving-credit
#[chrisaldrich][tonz] Is that ^^ a related sort of functionality you're talking about?
#therussbainBasic webhosting question: When choosing between a hosting package that allows "1 Website" vs one that allows "Unlimited Websites"- what are the practical implications of choosind over other other? ( besides price)
#sknebelI assume its about how many domains you can use with the package
#sknebelor how many domains showing different things
#therussbainIs is something like you get X fixed amount of resources and you can divide up by the number of websites?
mro_ joined the channel
#therussbainI got answers. It's limited resources divided by number of sites.
#therussbainI got answers. It's limited resources divided by number of sites.
#therussbainI got answers. It's limited resources divided by number of sites.
#therussbainI got answers. It's limited resources divided by number of sites.
#therussbainI got answers. It's limited resources divided by number of sites.
#therussbainI got answers. It's limited resources divided by number of sites.
#therussbainI got answers. It's limited resources divided by number of sites.
#therussbainI got answers. It's limited resources divided by number of sites.
#therussbainI got answers. It's limited resources divided by number of sites.
#therussbainSorry for the multiple repost. My internet is super wonky and cuts out every 20 seconds or something
#[Scott_Jack]gregor: kind of in the same boat - I think he just means, when you write interesting things it encourages interesting people to send you more interesting things
jacky and [fluffy] joined the channel
#[chrisaldrich]gRegor, the impression I got was that their blogposts got found and read through search queries which prompted the readers to DM them with questions or comments about the contents on social media (as opposed to the comments sections of the posts themselves).
#[chrisaldrich]I've seen examples of people who indicated that they got lots of emails about posts and even social media pings about them, but that's rarely been my experience.
#[chrisaldrich]I'm curious what others' experiences have been there. I know some also create affordances for responding to posts via email on their sites as well.
AramZS, schmudde, ShinyCyril, schmudde1 and jacky joined the channel
#[Scott_Jack][chrisaldrich] There have been a couple technical posts I wrote that got some attention
#[Scott_Jack]People were trying to solve problems with macOS/Boot Camp/VM/partitions and my posts turned up
jacky, tetov-irc, [chrisaldrich]1 and [schmarty]1 joined the channel