robijntjeI'm thinking of getting a new domain name since I dont really like my current one ( I was thinking of something like (which is my nickname online), but I might regret that later, and to keep the permalinks working I'd have to redirect to a new domain which means I'd have to pay for the domain forever. I was also thinking about something like, but it seems a bit boring. I'd like something
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aaronpkwhen i've done domain name moves before, i set up redirects from the old domain and keep it running for like 3-4 years after i stop using it, and then i've let it expire after that. i figure that's enough time for search engines to update indexes and by then most old links elsewhere are probably irrelevant
Loqi[Csepp 🩸] "The most important difference between a jail and a home is who controls the lock on the door. Most smartphone companies want you to believe that the gilded jail they’ve designed for you is the safest place to spend your time. Precursor takes a dif...
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