#indieweb 2022-06-08

2022-06-08 UTC
nice implementation aaronpk. I'm nowhere near that level but I did take some cues from the way you display posts
e.g. replies, bookmarks, photos
<tracydurnell> good point [snarfed]1
snarfed, tbh I think a big part of it is presentation. people are shocked when their tweet is not displayed as a tweet, and then reach for some reason to explain the shock that has nothing to do with presentation
people don't flinch when their tweet is displayed as an embedded tweet on some other random site
mro joined the channel
aaronpk That is a cool feature (and a good excuse to go out to eat!).
capjamesg: [chrisaldrich] left you a message on 2022-03-31 at 12:23am UTC: Has Google decided that your method is better and they're attempting to copy/automate it?! 👀 https://twitter.com/morgallant/status/1509266820905283586
capjamesg: jeremycherfas left you a message 3 weeks, 4 days ago: @CleverDevil has done a lot with Known templates.
[chrisaldrich] I didn't realise I had a venture-backable idea on my hands :D
What doing research should look like in 2022. In this case, asking the @Cloudflare blog about the effect of earthquakes on internet traffic patterns. https://twitter.com/morgallant/status/1511792083534704643/video/1
(I know this is a message from months ago!)
search << A demo video showing a "personal" search index: https://twitter.com/morgallant/status/1511792083534704643
What doing research should look like in 2022. In this case, asking the @Cloudflare blog about the effect of earthquakes on internet traffic patterns. https://twitter.com/morgallant/status/1511792083534704643/video/1
ok, I added "A demo video showing a "personal" search index: https://twitter.com/morgallant/status/1511792083534704643" to the "See Also" section of /search https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=81836&oldid=81334
[tw2113_Slack_]1, [snarfed], mro, gRegor, gRegorLove_, [Scott_Jack], win0err, tetov-irc, moonlionethvera[, cybi, mro_, kloenk, capjamesg_, rvalue, Nuve, [aciccarello], AramZS, ehmry and chenghiz_ joined the channel
I love Derek Sivers' nownownow.com project but so many of these pages are dead nownownow
It must be this terrible cup of coffee made - I have no idea what's going on in that video capjamesg'
mro joined the channel
The /now pages feel like something a lot of people set up but never update.
hashtag irony
did we ever end up with a clear statement on the wiki of "we're fine with any form of hosting, self or otherwise, our priorities are 1) your own domain and 2) full access to your data" ?
I always look for a link to include in posts like https://twitter.com/schnarfed/status/1534549776737259520 , but I never find one
@brianleroux @doriantaylor We agree! We don't actually care that much about servers or infra. We focus on 1) own your own domain, so that you control where your site lives and how people get to it, and 2) make sure your data is accessible and exportable, so that you control it and can migrate if necessary.
i was wondering that
there's another reference at the top here https://indieweb.org/self_hosting
ah true that's the closest. I'll look at expanding that elsewhere
<capjamesg> [Scott_Jack] It's someone importing an RSS feed into a personal search engine through which they can search.
what is indieweb?
The IndieWeb is a community of independent & personal websites connected by simple standards, based on the principles of: owning your domain & using it as your primary identity, publishing on your own site (optionally syndicating elsewhere), and owning your data https://indieweb.org/IndieWeb
This was the page I thought applied, snarfed ... seems like we have it spread across a few places
snarfed, the hosting plumbing handwringing is a distraction, the key is
what is own your links
Own your links is the concept of creating links on your own website that redirect to other properties you own, for instance social media accounts or content you have created on other websites https://indieweb.org/own_your_links
hmm, need to expand that to include own your permalinks
what is now
A now page is a page that tells you what a person is focused on at this point in their life https://indieweb.org/Now
aciccarello, re: "/now pages feel like something a lot of people set up but never update" yeah, when there was a popular discussion of /now pages here in chat, I remember being very skeptical about the whole concept for exactly this reason.
now << Criticism: "now" pages feel like something a lot of people set up but never update
ok, I added "Criticism: "now" pages feel like something a lot of people set up but never update" to the "See Also" section of /Now https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=81837&oldid=81073
jacky joined the channel
aaronpk: that's neat!
I was thinking about having something like that pull my location out of my rep h-card but this makes more sense
(or in addition to)
jacky joined the channel
@JamieTanna @techgirl1908 Looks like you also have my words without my permission. How does that work?
jacky, no, that's literally the case I was talking about
that complaint is about their tweet words showing up on someone else's site *not looking like a tweet*
oof you're right lol, I somehow missed the message right before it
right, for context, I believe this is what is going on: https://chat.indieweb.org/2022-06-08/1654654255096600
and to be clear again, this example was not a /backfeed, this was tweet text in a /reply-context
[[tantek]] snarfed, tbh I think a big part of it is presentation. people are shocked when their tweet is not displayed as a tweet, and then reach for some reason to explain the shock that has nothing to do with presentation
Nuve, rvalue, gRegor and jacky joined the channel
ah true reply context is good point. it's maybe most often raised around backfeed, but definitely not unique there!
rvalue, cjw6k, Nuve, Nuve1, Nuve3, jacky, mro, tetov-irc and jjuran joined the channel