[tantek]snarfed, tbh I think a big part of it is presentation. people are shocked when their tweet is not displayed as a tweet, and then reach for some reason to explain the shock that has nothing to do with presentation
[snarfed]did we ever end up with a clear statement on the wiki of "we're fine with any form of hosting, self or otherwise, our priorities are 1) your own domain and 2) full access to your data" ?
@schnarfed@brianleroux@doriantaylor We agree! We don't actually care that much about servers or infra. We focus on 1) own your own domain, so that you control where your site lives and how people get to it, and 2) make sure your data is accessible and exportable, so that you control it and can migrate if necessary. (twitter.com/_/status/1534549776737259520)
LoqiThe IndieWeb is a community of independent & personal websites connected by simple standards, based on the principles of: owning your domain & using it as your primary identity, publishing on your own site (optionally syndicating elsewhere), and owning your data https://indieweb.org/IndieWeb
LoqiOwn your links is the concept of creating links on your own website that redirect to other properties you own, for instance social media accounts or content you have created on other websites https://indieweb.org/own_your_links
[tantek]aciccarello, re: "/now pages feel like something a lot of people set up but never update" yeah, when there was a popular discussion of /now pages here in chat, I remember being very skeptical about the whole concept for exactly this reason.
Loqi[[tantek]] snarfed, tbh I think a big part of it is presentation. people are shocked when their tweet is not displayed as a tweet, and then reach for some reason to explain the shock that has nothing to do with presentation