#indieweb 2022-06-13

2022-06-13 UTC
jacky, angelo, Seirdy and [prtksxna] joined the channel
I think I’m going to give up on my WordPress site 😞 Might be time to start again
[prtksxna]: What happened?
Hey GWG! Gutenberg keeps messing up my theme. And I don’t want to spend time maintaining it. Its also become slow 🤔
[prtksxna]: That's why I disabled it
GWG: Makes sense. I actually had high hopes from it developed plugins and such, but I dunno… its just too much. Weirdly, I don’t even feel like logging in to update posts and such
That is a sad conclusion. Not one I don't understand, but...
Yeah, I am sad too 😞
I'm not ready to leave yet
Its weird when you write more on your local static website than the one you have on the internet 😛
Totally understand that. I think not having Gutenberg might have been wise? I dunno. Do you know long with they’ll support non-Gutenberg installs?
[prtksxna]: ClassicPress forked over the issue
GWG: Ahh! Didn’t know about that
It's stuck at 4.9 compat, which has challenges.
I just will stay with the latest WordPress version till they force me off
Sad that it has to end like this
I was actually hopeful that the tools that would be built on Gutenberg would actually make IndieWeb more accessible. I wanted to be part of that effort. But when I realized that I’m trying to avoid my own WP install I knew something was wrong. Took me a while to get here…
…and say this
I just don't like using the product, so I ignore it.
That works, as long as you can 🙂
AramZS and rvalue joined the channel
Thanks petermolnar! Yeah I checked it out after GWG mentioned it 🙂
I missed that line, sorry
petermolnar: I don’t think I said it 🙂 Are you using it too?
not at the moment, as I moved away from WP a few years ago with my own site, but I have been considering moving the ones I host for friends & family over to classicpress
gRegor joined the channel
Ah! That makes sense.
tetov-irc, gRegor and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
Thanks for sharing this link jacky! The first thing that I thought of as i read it was a grid of /now/ pages. Of course Robin is talking about much more, but even just that seems neat :)
IWDiscordGateway joined the channel
I've been looking at bearblog.dev and think it would be an interesting candidate for adding features like indieauth, micropub, and webmentions (even if not displayed publicly). It's designed as hosted solution, not single-user. I doubt I have the chops for that but I guess I was looking for a project to learn with hahaha
#til that https://mataroa.blog/ was inspired by bearblog :)
jacky, [fluffy], jarkad, [schmarty] and tommorris joined the channel
hello, nice to see everyone, good to be back etc.
as with #microformats, I'm trying to work out in what ways we're exposed to Travis CI, given the recent security issues with Travis.
I'm revoking Travis CI's access to this repo - https://github.com/indieweb/indieweb-endpoints-ruby - since it's not being used at all.
friendly reminder tommorris, it seems like this conversation is more appropriate for #indieweb-dev (CI , Microformats, endpoints)
jacky joined the channel
ironically, more appropriate for #indieweb-meta 🙂
tommorris++ welcome back!
tommorris has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (2 in all channels)
jacky, gRegorLove_, Seirdy, [pfefferle], ben_thatmustbeme, n8chz, tetov-irc, gRegor, petermolnar, kleb, Feoh, benji, klez and IWDiscordGateway joined the channel