#indieweb 2022-06-15

2022-06-15 UTC
Sadale and Seirdy joined the channel
[indienews] New post: "Pingbacks, Trackbacks, and CSS-Tricks" https://david.shanske.com/2022/06/15/pingbacks-trackbacks-and-css-tricks/
rvalue joined the channel
GWG++ good post
GWG has 17 karma in this channel over the last year (77 in all channels)
[KevinMarks], tetov-irc, Miren[m]1, jacky, Sadale, cjw6k and rvalue joined the channel
I know real estate agents don't have a good reputation on the whole but I always dislike when people act as though they're unnecessary
Yes some people are willing to do all the legwork and figure out the process. Good on them.
But in the time my mother has been an agent she has dealt with so many people that simply do not have a clue and would be lost without someone to guide them
I agree there are regulations in place that primarily benefit agents, but because the 'home is the primary store of wealth for middle class families' and because homes are such an expensive purchase (and often with someone else's money initially) it makes sense there are regulations around ensuring the home is safe and livable before purchase
Honestly I feel like this author is using some of the same logic as cryptobros
Yeah, middle-men aren't my favorite and often aren't necessary if you're willing to do the work - but pleeeeeenty of people prefer the convenience of middle men
jacky and Seirdy joined the channel
[scojjac] oh totally. There are definitely use-cases for intermediaries (trust & safety being among them, as you point out in real estate), especially for one-off or initial transactions. I think the article is more relevant in its examples of restaurants and other lower-cost yet multiple transactions over time use-cases.
e.g. ideally every neighborhood restaurant would have their own website that they could *easily* update with latest location, hours, menu etc. at a minimum, ideally with a complete reliable progressive enhancement form for placing takeout/delivery orders, or making reservations.
to me this is one of the challenges of the indieweb (and frankly the web platform as a whole) in that there is too much admintax for individual small business to setup & maintain their own websites for their customers to use (repeatedly over time). like the web has taken a giant step backwards from the accessibility of phone & fax to place orders
I think my favorite solution for small biz is probably Square, who purchased Weebly and made it the foundation of their online stores. A local restaurant approached me about setting up online ordering and that was my recommended solution (especially since they already used the card reader/payment processing). But the other thing about small biz is that they want things for free or nearly free
It takes away a lot of the complexity but I'd say it's still fairly tedious
Square has been a helpful service in this regard to many small businesses, especially for in-person transactions. There are other providers for backend payment services like Stripe etc. and those are helpful too, just like web hosting services are helpful
They're not intermediaries in the sense the article is complaining about, which is getting in the way and grossly profitting off of being in the middle
both Square & Stripe transaction % charges are not unreasonable and competitive with credit card % charges (which do come with some value-add of fraud reduction etc.)
No I agree that's why I like them - the website service is free as a means of getting people to process orders through them. And the solution is indieweb in the sense that you have your site at your own domain, not a path
hmm I wonder how much we've documented about this
what is payment
payment in the context of the indieweb refers to a feature on an indie web site that provides a way for the visitor to that website to pay (credit card, currency, gift card, etc.) the person represented by that indie web site https://indieweb.org/payment
blahblah441, jacky, n8chz, [calumryan], [asuh], [echo], cybi, ancarda_, srushe_, eb_, capjamesg_, toastal_, rockorager_, peterrother_, shreyasminocha_, sm2n_, raghavgururajan_, qa6_, jmac_, rrix_, frenzcan, yar, tetov-irc, [tw2113_Slack_], jgee636, jgee and maxwelljoslyn joined the channel
Morning IW :)
I’ve been away a lot lately because of my MS studies but I’m hoping to do more work on my site this summer
jgee, jacky and cybi joined the channel