2022-06-17 UTC
jacky, rvalue, jarkad, [chrisaldrich] and cjw6k_ joined the channel
davidpeach, yar, Sadale, tetov-irc, Guest5068, lagash_, jetpack, jgee8, jarkad, n8chz, [echo], [arush], jacky, cybi, [snarfed], jbove, mro, gRegor, [Murray] and vera joined the channel
# 18:16 vera I just installed indieweb plugin on my wordpress site
# 18:16 GWG vera: HWC is on Wednesdays, Special one tomorrow
# 18:20 vera Just curious, I used to attend years ago but it's been a minute
jacky, Seirdy and cybi joined the channel
# 19:39 vera Is there an indieweb version of "like"? i know theres webmention, I don't wanna create a post though I just wanna send a signal
# 19:41 sknebel the indieweb version of that is a post that says that it is a like
jacky and cybi joined the channel
jjuran joined the channel
# 19:55 [Scott_Jack] so if a like must be a post, but you don't want posts to clutter your feed, the thing to do would be to filter your WordPress loop, is that right?
# 19:55 [Scott_Jack] Then if someone really wants to see your likes they could look at that specific post kind.
# 19:56 vera sorry im not familiar with nomenclature
# 19:56 [Scott_Jack] The "Loop" is what Wordpress calls how it gets each post in your feed
# 19:57 [Scott_Jack] Yes, unfortunately. I wish it was easier to filter out what shows on your homepage
cybi joined the channel
# 19:58 [Scott_Jack] vera: no need to apologize. I wanted to make sure I had the right idea before I launched into an explanation
# 19:59 vera Is there a built in filter thing? I'm pretty technical I could prolly figure it out as long as I don't have to write any code
# 19:59 [Scott_Jack] I promise, there was a point where I learned about The Loop and it still makes me cry at night 😉
# 19:59 [Scott_Jack] I'm not sure of a way to do it without code. Maybe snarfed or gwg know
# 20:00 [Scott_Jack] and sorry, i thought we were in #indieweb-wordpress ... I wouldn't have started that in indieweb if I was paying more attention
# 20:01 Loqi [Marios Alexandrou] Description
Ultimate Category Excluder, abbreviated as UCE, is a WordPress plugin that allows you to quickly and easily exclude categories from your front page, archives, feeds, and searches. Just select which categories you want to be excluded, and...
# 20:03 vera [snarfed]: thanks for plugin link I'll try it out
mro joined the channel
# 20:15 GWG I keep meaning to allow for better filtering
cybi and timdream joined the channel
# 20:32 [Scott_Jack] I keep meaning to be useful at all as a programmer
# 20:36 gRegor heh, is a new meme format born? "I keep meaning to..."
tbbrown, cybi and jacky joined the channel
# 21:25 vera this is irc right? [I'm using web client] what irc client do people use?
# 21:33 [fluffy] There's a bunch of gateways into indieweb chat, including web, IRC, Slack, Discord, and Matrix
jacky joined the channel
# 21:35 sknebel more details on https://indieweb.org/discuss - personally,if I didnt have a server to run a permanent client on I'd use the bridges to Matrix or Slack. (permanent client = it stays connected so I have access to the backlog, IRC does not have that otherwise)
vera_ joined the channel
# 21:44 gRegor You can add yourself to indieweb.org/chat-names if you want an avatar and link to your site in the chat.indieweb.org logs
jacky and tetov-irc joined the channel
# 22:18 Loqi tracydurnell has 5 karma in this channel over the last year (23 in all channels)
tbbrown, Seirdy and jacky joined the channel