[chrisaldrich]Reminder for those that were using it that Reading.am is shutting down within the next day. Export your data if you haven't already: /Reading.am#Export_your_data
[grantcodes]Very cool [jamesg483] looks a lot like what I do with todomap.xyz - see https://todomap.xyz/list/VfbgMxoB6OX1uo0fnzEd for an example of an excessive list of restaurants that I want to try. But it's not very indieweb friendly at the moment, apart from supporting embeds.
[fluffy]1Wellp, Cohost is yet another independent Tumblr-like trying to build things up from first principles. I signed up (to reserve my usual username) and also asked them if they had any plans to support IndieWeb protocols. https://cohost.org
[aciccarello]"text formatting, so we can get rid of both rampant abuse of the Unicode Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols block, and complaints about rampant abuse of the Unicode Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols block."
[schmarty]a lot of stuff in the cohost manifesto, etc, resonates with me. the more i look at the actual site the more it seems like just another silo, though. 😐
[aciccarello]Seems like it would make sense from a network effect perspective. But they also seem serious about moderation so that gets more complicated.
aaronpkthey're gonna be in for a rough ride if they are trying to be serious about moderation but then also are unhappy with the idea that mastodon instances block each other based on moderation policies
[fluffy]1I hope they’re interested in not just being Yet Another Silo but I’m not terribly optimistic. Tumblr-likes feel like a dime a dozen, and most of them seem to come from a perspective of “we know better” without trying to do any sort of interop (see also: Pillowfort)
[fluffy]1I do feel like there’s a huge underserved market of IndieWeb-first Tumblr-likes, and I’m always seriously tempted to build one. Heck, that’s what Publ started out as.
Loqihey [aciccarello], gRegor: it looks like this conversation is getting pretty technical (Micropub, implementation), can you take it to #indieweb-dev?