[schmarty]gRegor++ i use that bookmarklet a lot already. weirdly, i collect my GH stars into a personal/private site and not my main site. likewise i don't really track them in Pinboard where i bookmark lots of other stuff. so it's not a tech or UX question so much as a "why have i sorted things this way??" issue.
[schmarty]i thiiiiiiiiiink that bookmarklet encodes the access token so i could in theory make one that sends them to my private site (which has some micropub support).
[schmarty]sknebel++ i have a script that i run periodically to pull GH stars into my private notes site. the issue is when i find a repo on sr.ht or gitlab.com, places where i don't have accounts or PESOS set up.
[tantek]wait what, how late did HWC Pacific go last night maxwelljoslyn? your message shows up as having been sent at 22:08 PDT last night — y'all were still on?!?