LoqiApp likely refers to native app, typically a less functional version of a web site that is usually restricted to one or more proprietary platforms, but may also refer to the .app top level domain https://indieweb.org/native_app
[tantek]native app << Criticism: "pulled due to age" (e.g. [[Indigenous]] on iOS), not a problem with websites (a single centralized OS vendor or App Store vendor being able to decide to "pull" a website)
[tantek]it wasn't the owner that "pulled it" right? you have to keep updating an app in order for it not to get pulled by the store is my understanding
rounin1with some ideas for (hopefully) making the activity of building an independent website a lot more accessible... something which (again, I hope) would be very useful for the wider #indieweb community
rounin1i've progressed things a lot in the last 37 months... what was (back then) ashivaModules, eventually became Da3SH Modules, and (about 12 months ago) I finally settled on DaNIS3H Capsules
rounin1Regarding "DaNIS3H" I've never yet finalised what the "NI" stands for (probably an adverb + passive participle, but it's not important for now) but the rest stands for "Data and [NI] Styles, Scripts, SVG, HTML"
rounin1The intention is that a DaNIS3H Capsule should represent a frameworkless, portable, rich component - essentially a single JSON file which can be easily imported into a website and then deployed... but on deployment that Capsule unfolds into a rich on-page component of (potentially) unlimited complexity
rounin1the project has ended up having some of the qualities of WebComponents, some of ESModules, some of Node Modules and some of WordPress Plugins... at this point it is really starting to come together (after *a lot* of work) so I wanted to raise it again briefly
@NinaStrohmingerShould I update my website, which I haven't updated since 2019? A: Yes, the people deserve to see how much you've aged in such a short period B: No, let it be a beautiful relic to a more innocent time (twitter.com/_/status/1538339756572307457)
[schmarty], jacky, distopico and tetov-irc joined the channel