[jgmac1106]why I will only use paper menus, I don't want to be surronded by QR codes and RFID chips under tables I can't control...I hate restaurant tech...way too hackable
[jgmac1106]I also live in a town with three restaurants...so it weirds me out...and started to do security training in industries that have to assume bad actors are everywhere freaks me out
[jgmac1106]Did I have a student going blind in my class who started a project to get restaurants to fix pdf menus. A lot of this is the "Dominos" effect
IWDiscordGateway<jacky> Working on making some CLI tools that lean on some common standards (like showing formatted authorship info for a URL or showing the representative hcard of a page for debugging)
boekNot sure how I slept on what ya'll were doing till now but I'm on board! I do have a quick question that someone here might be able to answer; What are all the possible values `content` can have within an `h-entry`? (Also, am I even saying this right?)