#indieweb 2022-07-28

2022-07-28 UTC
jacky, nertzy, n8chz, jeremycherfas and ren joined the channel
I see two modes of operation for indie VR: visiting little experiences, and hanging out socially. The former can be pretty neat but social VR is what makes it actually *fun* - hanging out with friends and exploring areas and seeing creativity on display and so on.
The first use case is also already a solved problem.
There is absolutely no reason for standalone experiences to need anything special in an Indieweb context, because distributing them is exactly the same as distributing any other webpage.
The very specific thing I want to see made indie is the social VR experience, like VRChat/NeosVR/etc., where someone builds a shared space and a group of people can visit it together. And ideally, have the ability to modify the space together, like what Second Life allowed.
To me, the tricky thing is less about access control to the space/session and more about a means of having every user be represented in the space by their preferred avatar. That's a *huge* part of the draw of VRChat, for example.
And Second Life, for that matter.
Incidentally, the documentary "We Met In VR" just went live on HBO. I haven't seen it yet but it has really good reviews.
geoffo and jacky joined the channel
I'll probably be watching it shortly.
alex11, jacky, blahblah441, ben_thatmustbeme and [Jacob_Hall] joined the channel
ironically, IIRC Snow Crash did explain a bunch of the design constraints for how "Social VR" should work (including protocols negotiating between custom expressions / avatars and limitations of spaces so custom expressions didn't impose on others)
rvalue and Javi joined the channel
It was oddly real estate oriented though - buying land near downtown, needing planning permission etc
don't forget that Snow Crash is part satire
tetov-irc, jacky, nertzy and [campegg] joined the channel
Snow Crash is basically “don’t create the Torment Nexus”
Sci-Fi Author: In my book I invented the Torment Nexus as a cautionary tale Tech Company: At long last, we have created the Torment Nexus from classic sci-fi novel Don't Create The Torment Nexus
[jeremycherfas] good article on different ways to plot the same data https://stackoverflow.blog/2022/03/03/stop-aggregating-away-the-signal-in-your-data/
rvalue, ben_thatmustbeme, blahblah441, jarkad, gRegor and angelo joined the channel
fluffy: so where would the code reside that creates the (negotiated) shared experience, with an IndieWeb-style architecture? Your server or mine? Both? Where does it persist so we can go back to it next Tuesday?
nertzy joined the channel
[KevinMarks] the "oddly real estate oriented" bits seemed to me constraints adopted from making the "VR" experience feel physically continuous
campegg, sorta. The whole "the metaverse was a cautionary Torment Nexus tale" is a bit of a retcon. At the time (1992), the web was just a random prototype hack, and the internet was only used (primarily) by text nerds (myself included). At the time (again, 1992), the "metaverse" was seen as a more accessible view of the internet that would be much easier (UX) for lots of people to use, i.e. a positive thing
some of the tech in Minority Report is more fitting to the upfront cautionary nature of a "Torment Nexus"
Fluffy's story about building Westworld VR sounds like a literal version of that (I have rewatched Westworld in the last month)
[tantek] yeah, for sure… my torment nexus comment was a flippant take on the situation. And 100% that Minority Report is a much, much better analog!
campegg, you're not alone in that, at least one person replied to the Torment Nexus tweet with the FB/meta thing: https://indieweb.org/metaverse#Resemblance_to_a_Black_Mirror_episode
rvalue joined the channel
when I first saw Minority Report, I was like "noooooooooo stahhhhhpppppp y'all are giving way too specific feasible ideas to various tech corps / gov orgs" 😞
Companies like Palantir definitely give off those kind of vibes
nertzy, CrowderSoup, CrowderSoup8, tetov-irc, reed, n8chz and unl0ckd joined the channel