[jgarber]This is a frivolous little thing, but I stumbled on the wiki’s “Active users list” page (https://indieweb.org/Special:ActiveUsers) recently and threw together a leaderboard sorted by contributions count:
[jgarber]A GitHub Actions workflow runs once a day, grabs that page’s markup, parses out the useful bits, and rebuilds the README.md. The script also fires off requests to a Web-based microformats2 extracting service I wrote (https://micromicro.cc) and stores the resulting JSON in the leaderboard repo (`./data/users/`).
LoqigRegor has 10 karma in this channel over the last year (51 in all channels)
jjuran, gxt, gopiandc1, bozo, tetov-irc, rvalue, saptaks, GWG, nertzy, geoffo, jacky, petermolnar and n8chz joined the channel; kinduff and jacky left the channel
[Tianhong_Shi]Hi, everyone. I am brand new here. I have a question about website building. A friend asked me to help build a simple website for our verse memorization group. It has 130 subgroups and over 1000 participants on WeChat groups (a chinese social media app). We need to keep text/word files, audio files and videos files as resources somewhere. We also have weekly updated QR codes for new people to join a subgroup. I only know how to
[Tianhong_Shi]build a google site, wordpress site and some simple html. I also helped maintain a website using PHP before. Since we need to upload files constantly, which platform will be easiest for future operation? Wordpress? PHP? Python?
t0nicThis might not be the "indieweb" way per say but if you're keeping large amounts of files for public access it'd probably be worth storing them on cloud storage from Google Drive; Mega.nz, etc
t0nicThe reason I say this is that with that many participants routinely downloading files it might overwhelm your own webserver if you're just starting out on the backend of things. Others here may have a different opinion
[KevinMarks]The other thought is sat off you aren't trying to own the files and so could make them creative commons, you could use Internet Archive to host them
[tantek][jgarber] I'm a bit surprised to not even be on that list, I mean, the newsletter already notes that I've been an active editor of most of our frequently edited pages. I'm not offended to be clear, I'm more wondering if there's a bug in the script 🙂
[tantek][Tianhong_Shi] it sounds like a pretty big building project, and maybe more appropriate for asking about in the #indieweb-dev channel. And welcome!