#indieweb 2022-09-02

2022-09-02 UTC
gxt_, cjw6k, [jeremycherfas], kloenk, Nuve, rvalue, boombim, gRegorLove_, tetov-irc, olaf[m], AramZS, [jeremycherfas]1, [Jamie_Tanna]1, gxt, n8chz, jacky, neceve, voxpelli, sknebel, Seirdy, silo and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
What time does IWC Berlin start tomorrow for virtual folks? 1000 CET?
Sorry, I don't see virtual folks on https://indieweb.org/irc-people
Oclair, Nuve, kloenk, jacky and pmlnr joined the channel
[Jamie_Tanna]1: Correct
wow how did Loqi parse that
What time does parsing start for Loqi?
In Loqi's timezone, America/Los_Angeles, it is currently 2:42pm on September 2
I'm turning on the chat even if the locals are behind
n8chz1 joined the channel
Cool thanks, probably be a bit early for me to join but I'll drop in when I can ☺
[Jamie_Tanna]1: It's 4am here....
tetov-irc, jacky, n8chz and n8chz1 joined the channel