2022-09-07 UTC
jeremy, jeremycherfas, geoffo, npd[m], [jgarber], gRegorLove_, shadowkyogre, angelo and gopiandcode joined the channel
# 05:44 h4kor[m] Hey, I'm just starting to use IndieAuth and created an account in the wiki. I'm wondering if there is any way to change my domain later. I'm still using my blog subdomain and am contemplating moving it to the domain.
# 05:56 [tantek]4 do you mean your User: page? yes you can move it
# 05:57 h4kor[m] I mean the url I use to log in. If I change the domain, will I be recognized as a new user?
# 06:16 [tantek]4 yes each domain sign-in is treated indepedently
ren joined the channel
# 06:28 h4kor[m] So I should probably make up my mind about, which domain to use before using it :D
# 06:29 capjamesg I have two wiki accounts now because I broke IndieAuth on one domain and didn't fix it for a while so I used another domain.
rvalue joined the channel
# 06:32 h4kor[m] How did you break it? Wouldn't it be sufficient to just serve a html with a single link?
[tw2113_Slack_], gRegorLove_, cjw6k, voxpelli, mambang[m], timdream, toastloop, jonnybarnes, angelo, zack[m], olaf[m], bterry, yar, threewordchant, IWDiscordGateway, gopiandcode, capjamesg, Xe, Feoh, jbove, Saphire, aaronpk, sm2n, eb, rrix, Demi, sebsel, anarchivist_, rockorager, srushe, ancarda, shreyasminocha, vikanezrimaya, jmtd, oxtyped-, paulgrmn, toastal, Bitweasil-, jarkad, klez_, distopico, BinarySavior, vroman, ehmry, gRegorLove__, h4kor[m], Steve[m]1231, omth[m], npd[m], hala-bala[m], draconigen[m], anarchivist, reed, mro, charmonium[m], aynish[m], n-o-n-a[m], Pyroxtheythem[m], chrisbr, tetov-irc, AramZ-S[m], mro_, jordemort, rvalue, jeremycherfas, geoffo, AramZS and Nuve joined the channel; shadowkyogre left the channel
geoffo, jacky, mro and Nuve joined the channel
# 15:50 [tw2113_Slack_] meh smart tech at home.
# 15:53 [tantek]4 nah, no smart tech, just your "normal" wifi router from your ISP
petermolnar and jacky joined the channel
jacky joined the channel
# 16:24 [tantek]4 IndieNews it
# 16:25 [tantek]4 KevinMarks++ 👏👏👏
# 16:25 Loqi KevinMarks has 7 karma in this channel over the last year (48 in all channels)
# 16:25 [tantek]4 I'd change the title to use the literal term Laserdiscs as I think that'll evoke more emotion since it's a specific reference
# 16:26 [tantek]4 Er LaserDisc :)
# 16:26 [tantek]4 Also because that's the literal term [Jeremy_Keith] used
jacky joined the channel
gRegor joined the channel
# 17:02 [tantek]4 kept the slug tho 📀
# 17:28 [tantek]4 redirects! also you know better than to jam the words together. gotta dash them apart for SEO 😉
# 17:28 [tantek]4 I mean: apple-iphone-apps-worse-than-laserdisc — especially given what's happening today 🙂
jacky, geoffo, shadowkyogre, mro, ben_thatmustbeme, Nuve, mro_, gRegorLove_ and tetov-irc joined the channel; shadowkyogre left the channel
jacky and geoffo joined the channel
# 23:01 [tantek]4 watching The Rings of Power and wanting to try another attempt at a "middle earth" style map for the IndieWeb, Mastoverse, Silos etc.
petermolnar and jacky joined the channel
# 23:26 [tantek]4 what is a middle earth style map
jacky and ren joined the channel