2022-09-11 UTC
ren, Nuve and corlaez joined the channel
# 03:08 corlaez I couldn't attend today's event but I am looking forward to attend one of the weekly meetings if time allows it
# 03:12 GWG I need to catch up on the weather
jacky joined the channel
# 03:15 corlaez I have been catching up with things like longevity and I am yet to introduce webmentions to my site
# 03:15 corlaez I have been catching up with things like longevity and I am yet to introduce webmentions to my site
# 03:17 GWG There is always another project, I find
# 03:18 corlaez meaning the indie web is growing? not sure if I follow
# 03:19 GWG corlaez: I was more talking about projects for my website that I want to add.
# 03:20 GWG Fixing something related to the weather
# 03:20 GWG I like to show weather on my site.
# 03:20 GWG Do you know how they say eskimos have many words for snow?
# 03:23 GWG So, my problem is I identified the current weather by the name of the icon I used to display it, which means I can't change the icons. So, I had to come up with a list of weather types, map the current weather to that, and then I can.
# 03:23 GWG So, nothing anyone but I will be able to appreciate.
# 03:23 GWG So, it is me fixing a very geeky feature that only amuses me, as opposed to something more noticeable.
# 03:28 corlaez Discovery seems to be something I haven't read as much about.
# 03:29 corlaez Allowing the homepage to list all the spaces/features available in other routes (blog, notes, podcast, etc)
# 03:30 corlaez and not sure if microsub supports it (as I do not know much about it) but if somehow it would allow to decide what to I want to be subscribed about
# 03:31 GWG We haven't recorded an episode in too long.
# 03:31 GWG It does, somewhat, but it is still young in terms of implementations
# 03:33 corlaez do you know what's the deal with chickens? is that because of how similar it sounds to checkins?
# 03:38 GWG corlaez: It was something of a joke back in the day
# 03:41 [tantek]4 wait what snarfed? I didn't think it was a checkins homophone joke, that's news to me
# 03:41 [tantek]4 I thought it was based on a joke presentation that says nothing but chicken
# 03:41 [tantek]4 what is chicken
Nuve joined the channel
# 03:43 corlaez but what is it. Meaning how is chicken different to any other type of post. I am unfamiliar with idno
jacky joined the channel
# 04:07 [snarfed] tantek I think it's both, afaik it was a homophone at the beginning too
jacky and [tonz] joined the channel
# 07:46 [tonz] question: what happened to the Tumblr search for coders to make them IndieWeb compliant last May? Do we know if that is still moving forward?
jacky, s[_] and tetov-irc joined the channel
twinsignal joined the channel
# 12:42 [KevinMarks] I haven't heard anything since they deployed my template, I'll email them and see what is happening
jacky joined the channel
jacky, neceve and Nuve joined the channel
lefuturisteMatth, angelo, jacky, geoffo, ren, mro, aaronpk, [schmarty], alex11, Nuve, shadowkyogre, jamietanna, nertzy, tetov-irc and [tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel; shadowkyogre left the channel