#indieweb 2022-10-04

2022-10-04 UTC
geoffo, ren, [snarfed]1, jacky_, mro and [Steve_Layton] joined the channel
👋 Hi everyone!
gRegorLove_ joined the channel
Hello [Steve_Layton]! Welcome to the community!
How are you doing?
doing pretty good, just browsing the wiki looking for inspiration
ren joined the channel
[Steve_Layton] Do you have a personal website or are you looking to set one up?
jonnybarnes, mro, ren, neceve, gxt, barnaby, tetov-irc, gRegorLove__, gRegorLove_, gRegor, geoffo, [manton], [jgarber], Christoph[m]1, jacky_, [jeremycherfas], n8chz, retronav_, 011AAHWMZ, oxtyped, ehmry, blahblah441, angelo, chimo, epoch, rektide, jeremycherfas, yar, toastloop, oodani, wagle, timdream, s[_], srushe, Oclair, vikanezrimaya, sm2n, chenghiz_, Xe, coleman, Saphire, sebsel, rrix, Feoh, Demi, jbove, anarchivist_, Jon, klez_, Bitweasil, distopico, BinarySavior, voxpelli and IWDiscordGateway joined the channel
The W3C "sustyweb" Community Group had its second meeting earlier today. We are working on building a new standard and set of best practices around web sustainability. The CG is open for participation in case anyone is interested: https://www.w3.org/community/sustyweb/
(I shall be blogging about this :D)
I'm happy to answer any questions.
[Murray] joined the channel
that sounds super interesting, will definitely be reading that blog post(s) when you put them up 🙂
jacky, toastloop, barnaby, bterry1 and max joined the channel
are you using vpn services for privacy?
coleman, jacky and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
looks like he's built something like https://stream.indieweb.org/
I will say, I like how every paragraph is linkable
jacky, jjuran, nloadholtes[m], gerben and [timothy_chambe] joined the channel
RSS based Feedland surfaces a bit: "In its first twenty years, RSS has become an established part of the open web. It got blogging and podcasting off the ground. It changed the world. Now we get started on the second twenty years."
jjuran and jacky joined the channel
[tantek] You just need a syndication link to the wiki home page on the post and you should be able to create a page on the wiki.
that does not sound like a "just" (simple) description from a casual IndieWeb user perspective. Even "syndication link" is (borderline) jargon
barnaby, [James_Van_Dyne], jacky, tetov-irc and ren joined the channel