#indieweb 2022-10-07

2022-10-07 UTC
sebbu2, jacky, aos and ao3 joined the channel
If you want to do this IndieWeb, you have to make a web browser of your own.
You said, "When you post something on the web, it should belong to you, not a corporation." That's nice, but how exactly are you doing that? By just saying it and hoping people will follow you?
They're not just going to give it to you. Mark Zuckerberg: "IndieWeb, I am done taking people's information because of you!"
He's going to give up all of Facebook because of IndieWeb. Because of you guys!
ao3: not sure why you sound so angry. People are just posting on their website, and yes that content is also sometimes syndicated to Facebook and Twitter etc...
if you find this not useful for you then there is no need to do it
also don't make perfect the enemy of the good
no one here is trying to tell Zuckerberg to shut down facebook
what is principles?
The IndieWeb Community is largely based on principles (AKA tenets) such as own your data, make what you need, use what you make, document your stuff, open source your stuff, UX design is more important than protocols, visible data for humans first and machines second, platform agnostic platforms, plurality over monoculture, longevity, and remember to have fun! https://indieweb.org/principles
You'll probably find more nuance in there and in pages linking out from there. Homepage is just a quick summary.
ao3, do you have a personal site?
[jgarber], gxt, sebbu2, gRegorLove_, geoffo, ren, [jeremycherfas] and ilyag joined the channel
mro joined the channel
mro and gxt joined the channel
mro joined the channel
hi ilyag! do you have a personal site?
mro, tetov-irc, tbbrown, gRegorLove_, barnaby, [snarfed], n8chz, angelo_, geoffo, n8chz1, gRegorLove__, odnes, rvalue, bozo and bozo_ joined the channel
I've learned this lesson before: the moment you build a side-project with user accounts it stops being a side-project: it's now an unpaid job, with very real responsibilities
luckily the account move stuff works by now from what I've seen, that makes it a bit better
yeah, afaik diaspora never got to the point where you could actually export/import your data between instances
mro, gRegorLove_ and gRegorLove__ joined the channel
do the follows transfer now though? That was a sticking point before
jgee11, jonnybarnes, tbbrown and geoffo joined the channel
what is migration
migration in the context of the indieweb refers to the process of moving your indieweb site from any one or more of one CMS / web host / DNS provider / URL design / domain name to another https://indieweb.org/migration
if anyone has a link to the user-instructions for Mastodon migration, please add it there!
angelo, lupo_on_libera, geoffo, gRegor and [timothy_chambe] joined the channel
↩️ I offered the admin that he could send users over to indieweb.social, btw.
tetov-irc and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
[tantek] - you are always welcome at indieweb.social and ours will be live for as far as I can see. At the very least another two years. Likely ongoing as long as there is a fediverse and an indieweb movement.
tbbrown joined the channel