#indieweb 2022-10-11

2022-10-11 UTC
tbbrown, geoffo, mdemo, ren and bozo joined the channel
Happy for you capjamesg even though I don't myself like them very much.
barnaby, Nona[m], rvalue, n8chz, AramZS, gRegorLove_, geoffo and kandr3s[m] joined the channel; Nona[m] left the channel
capjamesg cool! out of curiosity, why don't some links on that page show hovercards, eg Beaker Browser?
[snarfed] There must be a bug somewhere.
rvalue, jjuran and [manton] joined the channel
the hovercards obscuring the text is a bit annoying - could you put them in the right margin and connect via a line?
That would make them sidecards tho right?
has anyone made responsive annotations where they’re hovercards on narrow screens but “sidecards” on wide screens?
jacky joined the channel
They could still show on hover. Hover on mobile doesn't really work though.
[indienews] New post: "Adding fragmention links to my website" https://jamesg.blog/2022/10/11/fragmention-links/
jacky, chenghiz_, ren, mro and jacky_ joined the channel