#indieweb 2022-10-14

2022-10-14 UTC
gRegorLove_, geoffo, [jeremyfelt], mdemo, bterry1, mro, neceve, rvalue and gRegor joined the channel
[indienews] New post: "IndieWeb Plugin for WordPress Blocks" https://www.zylstra.org/blog/2022/10/indieweb-plugin-for-wordpress-blocks/
mpardalos[m], [tonz], amar1, rvalue, barnaby, gRegor, AramZS, KatherineMoss[m], ren, geoffo, n8chz, jacky and barnaby1 joined the channel
anyone here familiar with https://getchirrapp.com/? looks like an interesting example of a posting UI
what is chirr.app
It looks like we don't have a page for "chirr.app" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "chirr.app is ____", a sentence describing the term)
I’m really on the fence about posting threaded versions of my longer notes. I’ve begun to find the popular twitter thread writing style more and more annoying
have this year used mastodon a bit, and yep, support for longer posts makes a surprising difference, despite mastodon out of all the fediverse apps really looking like a twitter clone
gRegor and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
[tantek]: when you started POSSEing notes to twitter, was writing “threads” a known/popular concept? did you consider threading vs truncation for POSSEing notes longer than 140 chars?
I vaguely remember sandeep POSSEing some long notes to twitter as small threads, but I think that was before threads became a popular twitter writing style
jonnybarnes joined the channel
When I started POSSEing to Twitter, there were no reply threading IIRC, and I'm not even sure how many other “common” things were supported like linking # and @ refs, or even links without http(s):
140 was also painfully short 280 is definitely better. (they did some good user research on that)
jacky, bterry1, geoffo and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
700 for gettr, 500 on Truth Social....you get more spacd when you are crazy
LinkedIn you get a novel, can't remember exact number of characters
I do all kinds of threading, only Known and WP had a fast enough POSSE engine, I can't do it in microblog or any jamstack really, the page builds too slow
I used to POSSE a ton of streams just part of my workflow
barnaby this is my longest thread it is 82 tweets long, but it was snarky long on purpose: https://twitter.com/jgmac1106/status/1578063420645150720
@DaveUthoff @pkamaev @seeitfromspace @Beatkoine @handles78892211 @garry_knight @suedehead1914 @tmindful182 @MrBiswaz @KFJ1688 @guffynicola @imperialparser @lpcs43c @klimskii @AniaKoniec @kenestikunion01 @scottberry912 @ClarkeMicah @witte_sergei @MojaveReborn @McFaul @elonmusk You attempt to use what “Pearson called the “cold light of statistics” to answer a question that goes back to the late 1500s. What caused the inferiority of the African? 1/82
flood of the '@' lol
gRegorLove_ joined the channel
what is canoe
canoe is a long chain of replies on twitter, with many people @'d into it https://indieweb.org/canoe
rvalue joined the channel
I don't even know who threw me in the boat and at what time. Interesting as many are older men, some blatantly openly racist. Others attended schools in Soviet based schools and have different interpretations of history,
jacky, odnes, geoffo, gxt and jeremycherfas joined the channel