#indieweb 2023-02-11

2023-02-11 UTC
gRegor and geoffo joined the channel
[indienews] New post: "Announcing avtr.dev" https://jamesg.blog/2023/02/11/announcing-avtr-dev/
I think I missed the newsletter...
Never mind. It's Saturday now. Time to go to bed.
geoffo, EBValkyrie, [cleverdevil], angelo, [jeremycherfas]1, timdream_, jbove, kinduff, [TMichelleMoore], [tantek], [asuh], [chrisbergr], GWG, starrwulfe, rvalue, barnaby, kaichanvong, [jamietanna] and gRegor joined the channel; kaichanvong left the channel
capjamesg I assume that "avtr.dev was made with â¤ï¸, ð§ and âï¸ by" is a joke? Or is the encoding bust? 😁
the latter
jonnybarnes, barnaby and [Murray] joined the channel
Will fix [jamietanna].
I'm rendering the page with the wrong character set.
is surprised Loqi didn't say something
mro and geoffo joined the channel
It's an advert for ftfy
toastloop joined the channel
[indienews] New post: "Announcing recipe syndication for Breakfast and Coffee" https://jamesg.blog/2023/02/11/breakfast-and-coffee-recipes/
n8chz and geoffo joined the channel
https://decentsocial.net/ Americas time zone is kicking off, feel free to jump in, even if you didn't register! lots of the broader IndieWeb community is already there
mro, geoffo and [manton] joined the channel
I registered and joined the intro session, but had to duck out… Might try to join again later. If anyone notices any particular IndieWeb-y sessions, I’d be curious to hear about it.
mro, geoffo and barnaby joined the channel
yeah it's pretty fediverse/decentralized social media focused, not seeing many directly IndieWeb-relevant sessions
Dick Hardt is demoing https://verified.coop/ right now on https://decentsocial.meet.coop/mor-cev-jri-bsk, it's a rel-me proxy that adds rel-me to Twitter and other profiles so you can verify them in Mastodon
mro joined the channel
one session coming up at 12:20p PT that should be entertaining is "Fedylitics: Consensual Data Science on the Fediverse" 😆 🍿
gRegor and mro joined the channel
> rel-me proxy
mitm proxy, you say?
The https://meet.coop video tool they're using for decentsocial is interesting
Caught the end of that DID session. Any others look interesting [snarfed]?
wishes BBB had a matrix integration.
Yep, scrolling through it
mro, barnaby and gRegor joined the channel