#indieweb 2023-03-26

2023-03-26 UTC
bterry, [tantek], [pfefferle], geoffo, ren and [manton] joined the channel
<L​unarequest#0122> Hi I'm trying to use bird.gy to link my calckey instance to it. I get the the auth page in my instance which works but when it returns back to bird.gy I get a 404
Interesting! brid.gy doesn't official support calckey, but feel free to file an issue with details and I can look tomorrow
<L​unarequest#0122> [snarfed]: so note you need to use the beta or devel branches of calckey for a mastodon compatible api.
hey IWDiscordRelay: it seems like this conversation is more appropriate for #indieweb-dev (Micropub, API)
<L​unarequest#0122> I also have opened an issue regarding misskey(calckey is a fork of misskey and is compatible with misskey)
lockywolf, JaeSheHerBeep[m], dwag, [jeremycherfas], [KevinMarks], oodani, rvalue, IWSlackGateway, gaussianblue, k1, [jamietanna], axiomeval and n8chz joined the channel
<c​apjamesg#4492> Lunarequest[d] in case you haven’t already, feel free to continue the discussion in #indieweb-dev!
btrem, [KevinMarks], geoffo, ren, [snarfed], [aciccarello] and [tantek] joined the channel
Thanks [timothy_chambe]. BTW if you find that you must mention specific protocols in a message for a discussion, better to start that in #indieweb-dev instead. Often times the devs here don't realize it and reply accordingly instead of moving the conversation explicitly to #indieweb-dev
[timothy_chambe] joined the channel
[tantek] roger that! 👍
geoffo, Nebraskka, gaussianblue and bterry joined the channel