#indieweb 2023-05-02

2023-05-02 UTC
great, yet another technical/implementation assumption that "nsfw" could possibly mean the same globally on a system meant to be accessed by anyone around the globe
[tantek] If they want to get into the Apple App Store, they have to at least adhere to Apple's definition, see Tumblr. As a European, I absolutely agree with you, of course.
Yeah, standards for rating and moderating content seem hard...
i think eventually they should let people do their own content warnings like mastodon, and let others make their own flagging mechanisms to decide what constitutes nsfw
"getting into the Apple App Store" really ought not to be how you do *web* *protocol* level design
* constitutes nsfw etc.
also why is the default framing/assumption specifically "For Work"?!? (the fw in nsfw)
is there an assumption that everyone using the protocol is doing so from their place of "work" or "employment"? that seems false
also completely ignores different laws in different countries
Is that topic about the protocol, not the bluesky app?
look at the screenshot
queryparam: 'includeNsfw'
obv part of the protocol (sorry we should take this to #indieweb-dev)
apparently bsky invites are a hot thing. hot enough that I've had folks dm me out of the blue who I haven't spoken with in months (years?) and offer / encourage.
my bottom line:
It's a time investment thing. Why invest time in yet-another-subset-of-the-web, when you could be investing that time directly in the web?
jarkad joined the channel
because there is no quicker path to social interaction on the plain web right now
better something open like at protocol than a walled garden like twitter
shreyanjain[m], there were/are already open social web protocols before "at" so that's not really an argument either
I mean, head to #indieweb-dev for more discussion of that
aaronpk, are you seeing any "new" or novel "social interactions" than what you could already do with your website or Mastodon or ... ?
[lifeofpablo], ren, n8chz, hi, [Jo], rocto and geoffo joined the channel
They mean NIPSA not NSFW
The hellrope is novel, but not in a good way
Is this novel or derivative?
bterry joined the channel
What is NISPA?
It looks like we don't have a page for "NISPA" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "NISPA is ____", a sentence describing the term)
what is NIPSA?
NIPSA is an acronym for Not In Public Site Areas, and an admin feature of Flickr that allows their support staff to mark an account such that posts from it will not be shown in search results and other similar public views of posts https://indieweb.org/NIPSA
Yeah, that makes more sense
[Caleb_Hearth], n8chz and geoffo joined the channel
Apparently you have to be signed in to use Twitter search now. Otherwise loginwall
[preview] [sizeof(cat)] Discover personal websites https://sizeof.cat/post/website-discovery/
IWSlackGateway, Nuve, [KevinMarks], [tantek], [capjamesg] and bret joined the channel
capjamesg, since you said it was an interesting use of a tags page: https://indieweb.org/tags_page#Why (feel free to review and expand if it makes sense to you)
also curious what other folks motivations for having/making tags pages are
geoffo, btrem, cenuel and [manton] joined the channel
I have publics.tech, publics.online and publicsonline.com I can't remember why I bought them so they'll expire Thursday, though if some one wants to take one over let me know
[schmarty], Nuve and [snarfed] joined the channel
<c​apjamesg#4492> Will do.
<c​apjamesg#4492> I recently removed tags from my site because I always forgot which ones I had.
geoffo joined the channel
[jacky] and Nuve joined the channel
capjamesg, removed tags?!? What does that mean? You unlinked your hashtags in posts? Something else?
[campegg], btrem and plantroon joined the channel
This needs work, but here's a h-feed of my posts on bsky: https://bsky.link/feed?user=jamesg.blog
ooh a granary alternative, nice!
capjamesg if you have the bluesky API URL handy that returns your posts in bluesky format, feel free to plug it into https://granary.io/?input=bluesky&output=html , I'd be curious to compare
-> #dev
plantroon, gRegor and [fluffy] joined the channel
bluesky does seem cool indeed, especially given that I also noticed you can't even friggen SEARCH without an account, as if twitter wasn't cagey enough already about "plz sign in"
jan6 They are in private beta so I would expect they'll open up.
It seems people are already starting to build their own client implementations.
kind of no wonder, if it's looking like the next big thing
if twitter is actively killing people's ability to use it, and this is next to mastodon the next best place, and promising all sorts of cool stuff, then those who can, would of course try to take advantage of it
who wouldn't want their client to become the de-facto client everyone uses merely by being early enough
and I'm sure they'll open up EVENTUALLY...question is when, lol
"soon" can mean anything from days to weeks to months, sometimes things are "coming soon" for over a year
"Bluesky invites have become such a hot commodity they’ve been selling for anywhere between $120 to as much as $400 on eBay in recent days." wow, that sure is hot demand
indieauth.com has been shutting down "soon" for years
time is an illusion
wow and here i am just giving my bluesky invites away for free
lol, you can give one for me for free >;P
nope i'm all out
sounds like they'll probably ship federation before opening their own server up entirely
jan6 happy to!
Are you on IRC?
[pfefferle], geoffo and antranigv joined the channel