#indieweb 2023-05-06

2023-05-06 UTC
PobodysNerfect_ joined the channel
anyone familiar with "oxide and friends"? KevinMarks tagged this as IndieWeb-related podcast this week and i'm working on the newsletter description. https://huffduffer.com/kevinmarks/666031
it seems like a "podcast" in the sense that there are regular episodes and discussions with guests. it is definitely alienating to new listeners in the sense that the host introduces neither themself nor what the show is. 😩
I tried to find out what it is and landed on https://oxide.computer which is "The power of the cloud in your datacenter"??
this is mostly a question for my own edification since i am not gonna let it stop me from summarizing the item for the podcast :}
there's a tiny link in the footer to their podcast https://oxide.computer/podcasts/oxide-and-friends which they call a "Weekly live show on Discord" which I didn't know was a thing? podcasts are live on discord now?
nice, thanks aaronpk! that does add even more to the mystery haha.
yeah sorry i thought i was helping
i feel helped!
geoffo joined the channel
Discord is for ephemera right?
geoffo and antranigv joined the channel
<c​apjamesg#4492> They have had some great podcast episodes.
i'm pretty new here so i bet you've looked at it before but thoughts on twtxt and yarn.social?
<c​apjamesg#4492> There may be answers to your question on the wiki!
<c​apjamesg#4492> I feel like there have been experiments with both here.
KMF, btrem and [jamietanna] joined the channel
shreyan, I like that folks are experimenting with simpler text-based stuff
gxt__ joined the channel
I actually have a concept to extend twtxt in ways different than yarn.social was done to maintain its decentralized nature. I'm not satisfied the way I use comments, though, so I may settle with extending Atom instead in the end.
bterry joined the channel
Sorry @schmarty - it was a discussion of Erin Kissane's post on mastodon and bluesky, featuring her and Tim Bray
I am seeing a lot of podcasts that have bad permalinks for the episode these days
[snarfed], PobodysNerfect, n8chz, geoffo and bterry joined the channel
[indienews] New post: "Announcing subscribable feeds for Bluesky profiles" https://jamesg.blog/2023/05/06/bsky-feeds/
geoffo joined the channel
You should test that on the robot duck to be sure you have a limit on it.
Robot duck?
What should the limit be?
20 posts?
I have just added a 20 post limit.
Temporary, I guess
[capjamesg] joined the channel
Lol. Interesting problem to have
capjamesg, perhaps you need to try the invites only / artificial scarcity thing with breakfastandcoffee 😂
[jgarber] joined the channel
“No presidents, no kings” is an aspiration I can get behind.
I am a bit worried that they might let Boris Johnson or Liz Truss on though
geoffo joined the channel
There are so many posts like that in a "sheesh chain"
[preview] [Loopy] Let's do a sheesh chain. That's a single reply chain where each reply has a sheesh with exactly one more e than the sheesh above it, all the way to the fabled 300-character sheesh. The timeline couldn't do it, can the skyline? I'll start: sheesh
quality content
My learning: bsky.link needed line breaks :D
I love this ^
geoffo, Dystopia, btrem, ren and luke joined the channel
what is this bsky stuff?
It looks like we don't have a page for "this bsky stuff" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "this bsky stuff is ____", a sentence describing the term)
the fact that this bot can create wiki pages is probably why the documentation is so over the place (:
I suppose the wiki is more note-like than a clean guide
On the other hand, we can answer questions by querying the wiki :)
What is Bluesky?
Bluesky is a project run by Jay Graber and initially proposed by Jack Dorsey, former Twitter CEO, to “develop an open and decentralized standard for social media – The goal is for Twitter to ultimately be a client of this standard.” https://indieweb.org/Bluesky
haha nice
rubenwardy: Or to be too ‘90’s old school, but is there some kind of site map for the IndieWeb site? That would be super useful
What is love?
that's amazing
Why is gRegor in the "See Also" of that page? :D
Who is Gregorlove?
I see :)
No way that Twitter will be part of the bluesky protocol, given their recent lock down of their API
heh. that quote is from back when Dorsey was still CEO at Twitter, some things have changed since then
IWSlackGateway joined the channel
[preview] [Senator Ron Wyden] Can confirm
[snarfed] joined the channel
[preview] [bryan metzger] A spokeswoman for Bluesky tells me tonight that there are at least 1.9 million people on the waitlist to get on this site. (I have a story about Bluesky publishing tomorrow AM 😊)
bterry and bret joined the channel
<[snarfed]> "benpate https://indieweb.org/..." <- Thank you. I’ve looked for something like this on the website before, but the “special pages” label didn’t really stand out to me.
IWSlackGateway, epoch, moose333, vroman, Zegnat, aaronpk, joshproehl, mikeputnam, tiim and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
I wonder if you could adapt this to the indieweb wiki https://observablehq.com/@chriszs/wikipedia-concept-graph
[snarfed] joined the channel
ooh fun idea
BigShip joined the channel
<c​apjamesg#4492> Ooh! I want to do this now!
<c​apjamesg#4492> Plotting the links between definition terms?