[tantek]^ funny that even Slack has trouble with eliminating linebreaks (in the link-preview summary) and errantly creating what looks like a domain and then auto-linking that (useful./To)
[tantek]for the record: "YouTubeYouTube /// Google Keynote (Google I/O ‘23) - American Sign Language /// Tune in to find out how we're furthering our mission to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.//To watch this keynote " [// added to break the domain, and /// added to indicate linebreaks in the Slack presentation of the link-preview]
bozo, [Ana_Rodrigues], lockywolf_, PobodysNerfect_, cdravcte, antranigv_ and antranigv joined the channel
[tantek]I was considering some options like manually posting a weekly (or monthly?) summary of my posts for the week (with permalinks), or maybe switching to using it for retweets (but that would provide more incentive for others to tweet which I'm not sure I want to do)
gRegorRe: Twitter, wonder if that means you need to literally sign out and sign in again in that period, or if browsing with a logged-in account is enough.
[snarfed]we're pretty far ahead on speculation here. Elon threatened/announced doing this a while ago, as did Twitter before Elon, and it didn't happen either time, and as usual all we have is a couple of his tweets, which have pretty low follow-through
[snarfed]and the 30d is from an assumedly old, dusty policy from way before that he/they probably doesn't even know exists. no sign yet that they'd use that age, if they even do this at all