#indieweb 2023-05-13

2023-05-13 UTC
geoffo, eitilt, gRegor, KMF, ren, rvalue, btrem and [Jo] joined the channel
Yeah thats real embarrassing 💀
PobodysNerfect, rvalue, seekr, [jeremycherfas], cdravcte, geoffo and btrem joined the channel
Wow. Bluesky has a big upgrade re: moderation.
You can choose whether Bluesky hides, warns you, or shows different categories of content, including explicit images, spam, and impersonation.
[snarfed] joined the channel
yup, it's been in settings for a while, but now it's surfaced more visibly in the UI
i think shareable mutelists will be pretty useful
[TMichelleMoore], geoffo and geoffo_ joined the channel
This is an interesting concept: https://leobabauta.com/pl/
What is a text playlist?
It looks like we don't have a page for "text playlist" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "text playlist is ____", a sentence describing the term)
sounds like a reading list or a read it later list
not quite. from the page: "a series of articles I come back to and read on a regular basis, for inspiration or as a reminder"
There used to be a short mantra I read every day that would fit in that list.
I recently tried to find it but no luck :(
Thank you for sharing capjamesg, TIL
n8chz joined the channel
I suppose this article would be on the top of my text playlist https://www.stephenfry.com/2016/04/off-the-grid/
pharonix71 joined the channel