#indieweb 2023-06-23
2023-06-23 UTC
saptaks, rvalue, oxtyped, neatnik, [jacky], btrem, willnorris_, helveticamono, strugee, tei_, strugee_, alecjonathon_, jan6, jeremycherfas, angelo, eitilt, omz13, Jon, sknebel, distopico, plantroon, chenghiz_, jmjl, pharalia, vikanezrimaya, ancarda, victorneo, shreyasminocha, eb_, darylsun, alecjonathon, capjamesg, paulgrmn, sm2n, toastal, vikanezrimaya_, paulgrmn_, srushe, eb, shreyasminocha_, Xe, Ruxton, Dystopia, benji, moose333, BigShip, jjuran, ben_thatmustbeme, antranigv, vroman, hedy, Saphir, jboy, jonnybarnes, aaronpk, ludovicchabant, Seirdy, gnoo, bozo_, dpk, mslehto, njd, Kaja, cygnoir, anarchivist_, lawt, yar, IWDiscord, laker, vilhalmer, Saphire, sebsel, reed, Seirdy_, [0x3b0b], bkil, olaf[m], adamz[m], klez, voxpelli, mretka, joshproehl, sebbu, epoch_, gwg_, sivoais, Zegnat, trwnh, petermolnar, IWSlackGateway, [tw2113_Slack_], [schmarty], [timothy_chambe], [tantek], [snarfed], [Ana_R], [KevinMarks], wagle, Guest4437, shreyanjain[m], fcser, mald0r0r, jbrr[m], rchan[m], jarkad, krjst, RenoirBoulanger[, JasonHammons[m], oenone, Gorro_Rojo[theyi, rubenwardy, JaeItIts[m], jmac, duncanbeevers, bleb, Nezteb[m], DRMUHAMMADBILALK, streety_, mdallastella, Soni, benpate[m], peterrother, sdk, DerekKozel[m], lockywolf, rhiaro, Oclair_, BinarySavior, push-f, AntoninDelFabbro, apophys, nsh, frenzcan, stokito[m], superusercode, Nebraskka, oodani, joj, gxt__, Bitweasil, bret, lanodan, asarandi, gRegor, Ludo, timdream, schmudde, bterry, bozo, boag and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
gRegor, btrem, bterry, n8chz, Seirdy_, [0x3b0b] and streety joined the channel