#indieweb 2023-07-31

2023-07-31 UTC
finnekit joined the channel
I'm currently working on getting my website working with indieauth and webmentions, is there anything else that I should look to implementing?
[indienews] New post: "Playing together online: reimagining interactions" https://tracydurnell.com/2023/07/30/playing-together-online-reimagining-interactions/
tei_1, IWSlackGateway, gRegor, ehmry, tei_ and [tantek] joined the channel
[indienews] New post: "Send a Friend a Webmention Day" https://lifeofpablo.com/blog/send-a-friend-a-webmention-day
eitilt, petermolnar, [aciccarello], gRegor and [capjamesg] joined the channel
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
Nice. The tricky part is getting the marginal card to line up with the in-text link.
tei_1 and tei_ joined the channel
I need to add webmentions receiver to my stuff
[schmarty] and [Jo] joined the channel
I wonder what other social web browser extensions would be useful to have.
SimonGreenwood[m joined the channel
omnibear could probably use some attention
denis[m], KhomyaK[m], shreyan[m], reed, [0x3b0b], DinkyPerson[m], movedtoshreyanbe, section9[m], DerekKozel[m], chronological[m], JaeItIts[m], Nezteb[m], Salt, shellsharks[m], AntoninDelFabbro, bkil, jengaio[m], olaf[m], oliver[m], benatkin and gaussianblue joined the channel
capjamesg++ neat! And is that how you discovered my post had mentioned you?
capjamesg has 23 karma in this channel over the last year (117 in all channels)
jusjeff[m] joined the channel
What is webmemex.js?
It looks like we don't have a page for "webmemex.js" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "webmemex.js is ____", a sentence describing the term)
scottsweb[m] and [Caleb_Hearth] joined the channel
And I will make that page once I have an updated screenshot!
[KevinMarks] I have the card alignment done.
I'll push my code + make the wiki page today.
I have a technical question. -> #dev.
[Jo] joined the channel
[snarfed] joined the channel
it's also indieweb related if salmentions come into play
it also pitches for having your own thing instead of registering on someone else's
eitilt, btrem, tei_, jonnybarnes and gRegor joined the channel
Petermolnar indeed.
vilhalmer, yar, diod, bterry, paulrobertlloyd, Gesta1t, [tw2113_Slack_], [campegg], tei_1 and geoffo joined the channel; diod and Gesta1t left the channel
^ also a good reason why indieweb rather than an account on someone else's Masto
bterry, paulrobertlloyd and tei_1 joined the channel
joining apub instance allows for easier discovery tho, no?
geoffo, tei_, IWSlackGateway and [tantek] joined the channel
blogging good posts with novel content and interesting insights about topics people care about allows for easier discovery
sure, but going on blogrolls and webrings is harder than just going to fedi's "home timeline" no?
ericzty and [snarfed] joined the channel
one of over 20k disjoint timelines, with no global search or other functionality. the fediverse has many strengths, but discovery is not one of them
well, if some likeminded people all join a common homeserver, then it's easier to find others since all of their posts are concentrated in the home timeline
and you can easily see who others follow
sure. you have some minimal discovery within your own instance. call it .01% of the total fediverse, instead of 0%. still woefully inadequate
i agree, but this is why people join bigger instances with a lot of people that shares the same passion in something
e.g., fosstodon is a big one with all the FLOSS people, and the ACL has their own homeserver with all the CS academics
yup, I understand fediverse culture and instance affinity. sure, on a big instance, maybe you have 1-2% discovery
yeah, but in many cases thats all people need
it's a radical step backwards from the open web
we can agree to disagree. it may be imperfet, like everything, but it's definitely still an important experiment!
yeah, that's true 👍
Blogging on your own site with proper HTML will be much more discoverable than any js;dr posts
I agree with most of the nojs sentiment, my current website runs zero js and probably never will
tho it is slightly over-engineered with some server side templating and stuff
i learned a lot of rust tho
I was reading <https://indieweb.org/wikifying#Minimum_Profile>, and am a bit confused on how the h-card plugs into the wiki
> You can choose two templates to add a profile to your page. - minimum profile and infobox profile
hey IWDiscord: we try to keep jargon (Microformats, templates) out of this channel to make it more inviting to newcomers, can you move this to #indieweb-dev?
the minimum profile section describes how to make a h-card, but not how to use that for your wiki page?
or more to the point, discussions about the wiki and wikifying -> #indieweb-meta 🙂
ah gotcha, thanks!
tei_ joined the channel