#indieweb 2023-08-15

2023-08-15 UTC
galambo, fLaMEd, eitilt, btrem, [schmarty], jarkad, win0err, gerben, [tantek] and geoffo joined the channel
[indienews] New post: "Enjoy the difference" https://minutestomidnight.co.uk/blog/enjoy-the-difference/
[campegg], eitilt, [snarfed], gerben, eitilt1, gaussianblue and btrem joined the channel
lxml is so hard to get going on Windows
I tried to get that going with DMArchiver, and eventually I just said the heck with it.
gerben joined the channel
^ that's a good indienews post
cambridgeport90, sounds like you may be trying to make some #indieweb-dev thing work
Nonsvch joined the channel
Good HN post about building social networks: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=37137364
[preview] [LeifCarrotson] > How is it possible that we’ve reduced the cost of building scalable applications by multiple orders of magnitude? > You can begin to understand this by starting with a simple observation: you can describe Mastodon (or Twitter, Reddit, Slack...
hah idk about "good" but certainly entertaining. this is a pretty dumb rhetorical tho: "why does it take so long to build something you can describe in hours?" (narrator: because you can't actually fully describe it hours, and anyone claiming they can is horribly naive)
"starting with a simple observation" <-- warning sign
tbbrown, [benatwork], tei_, jarkad, tei_1, Nuve, [KevinMarks]1, [campegg]1, [Jo] and strugee joined the channel