#indieweb 2023-08-22

2023-08-22 UTC
gxt, geoffo, sp1ff`, mdemo4, IWSlackGateway and gRegor joined the channel
Does a website need to implement webmentions and other things to be part of the IndieWeb?
[tantek] joined the channel
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
Expect twitter images to now have burnt in text as musk is breaking twitter card markup https://fortune.com/2023/08/21/elon-musk-plans-remove-headlines-news-articles-link-shared-on-x-twitter/
bterry, btrem and [schmarty] joined the channel
lol is that some link tax avoidance
ren and gRegor joined the channel
tbh points out the stupidity of link tax attempts which are very much anti-open-web
"Australia's proposal has provoked a broad backlash from advocates of the open Web—including the inventor of the Web itself. In a letter to the Australian Senate earlier this week, Tim Berners-Lee argued that Australia's proposal would set a damaging precedent."
"To my knowledge, there is no current example of legally requiring payments for links to other content," Berners-Lee said. "The ability to link freely—meaning without limitations regarding the content of the linked site and without monetary fees—is fundamental to how the Web operates."
[snarfed] joined the channel
agreed, but just fyi there's nothing about link taxes specifically in the Twitter article. "The primary objective appears to be to reduce the height of tweets, thus allowing more posts to fit within the portion of the timeline that appears on screen. Musk also believes the change will help curb clickbait, the source said."
this is regulators attempting to break the open web, which they really should stay away from
lol [snarfed] if that's true that's a dumb reason from Tw/X, they could "just" elide any text previews at one line of text 🙄
btrem, [aciccarello], geoffo, t0nic and bterry joined the channel