#indieweb 2023-10-08

2023-10-08 UTC
wyclif and ren joined the channel
starrwulfe++ It feels like a weird coincidence that you were one of my first interactions when I got my site up and running, and now after I just got back online after almost a month of downtime you're apparently bringing that site back at right around the same time. :D
bterry, gRegorLove_, sivoais, rvalue and fury999io joined the channel; wyclif left the channel
Hello everyone! Ooh @starrwulfe you have the ActivityPub Wordpress plug-in? Nice!
Just saw the other day there’s work being done on Fedi integration for static sites too…
oodani, wyclif, [KevinMarks], pharalia, mccd, dmowitz and gRegorLove__ joined the channel; wyclif left the channel
I have a small site built I'm still working on it.
I'm a little embarrassed to share it but I will. I'm still learning so I am quiet.
dmowitz, gRegorLove_ and nertzy joined the channel
robotabi[d] Thank you for sharing! Your site looks great!
I would recommend increasing the line height on the font on mobile; the text feels a bit close together.
dmowitz joined the channel
Thank you. I recently learned about that so I will look deeper. I do this for my free time. I really like making blogs. I have made a few but I noticed you guys like doing that too. I thought it was cool. Most have way more knowledge. I'm very happy I found this.
Thank you! I love making personal sites, too. My main one is jamesg.blog. I run a few for fun like airportpianos.org.
geoffo, [snarfed], gxt and plantroon joined the channel; dmowitz left the channel
Oh, cool. I'll make sure I take a look. Thank you for sharing.
monoob joined the channel
[0x3b0b]: Yep -- I just pinged your site outlining what happened to mine-- not unlike what went down with yours in a way. At least you were able to recover 100%. Me, not so much due to my "this is only temporary until I get it running good" thinking, then just letting it sit that way for 7 months. 😓
bloot: wordpress is the quickest way for me to get "reindified" in a hurry. She's a strange beast, but the one I'm most comfortable with.
gerben, sp1ff and gxt joined the channel