#indieweb 2023-11-02

2023-11-02 UTC
gRegor joined the channel
hi vhbelvadi!
love seeing people on the fediverse @-mention Bridgy Fed users' web sites right alongside native mentions, maybe not even noticing the difference. like it should be! eg https://front-end.social/@kizu/111337506539605227
[preview] [Roma Komarov] As it goes, credits to the mentioned articles:- @paulrobertlloyd (“Building Block Icons” session!) - @davidpierce (“The poster’s guide”!) - @adactio (“Link Rot” session!) - @rem (“No more 404”!) - @etp (“Stop the Linkrot”!) - @s...
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
That is pretty cool! snarfed++
snarfed has 40 karma in this channel over the last year (154 in all channels)
Missing camp has motivated me to get checkins with PESOS using OwnYourSwarm working again on my site. I let it slide during the pandemic when I was checked into one place for soooooo long. Now I can try to go and backfill in all of the fancy locations.
I've also managed to get some updates and general admin tax out of the way tonight. Feels nice to do some work on the old site.
[chrisaldrich]++ good to see you here!
[chrisaldrich] has 3 karma in this channel over the last year (14 in all channels)
I'm always lurking, at least when I'm not working on my old midcentury databases which often feel a bit more user friendly even if they're not as "fast": https://boffosocko.com/2023/09/23/midcentury-gaylord-bros-inc-oak-modular-library-card-catalog-acquisition/
[preview] [Chris Aldrich] Midcentury Gaylord Bros., Inc. Oak Modular Library Card Catalog AcquisitionIn a quest to expand on my analog office practices, last Saturday, I drove out to Rancho Cucamonga to purchase a spectacular midcentury Gaylord Bros., Inc. modular library car... https://i0.wp.com/boffosocko.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/wp-1695498135453-scaled.jpg?fit=2560%2C1920&ssl=1
RapidRotator, gRegor, ShockTohp, geoffo, ericzty, gxt, angelo, [pfefferle], [tantek], nertzy, AramZS, bterry, gaussianblue, tbbrown, polybius, [Paul_Robert_Ll], barnaby, [aciccarello], [snarfed], neceve, [nsmsn], rainystorm1, mhoye and jeremycherfas joined the channel