#indieweb 2023-11-04

2023-11-04 UTC
moose333, Fisher2445995, plantroon, kleb, fcser, fluffy, bret, trwnh, BigShip, aaronpk, CRISPR, AramZS, [snarfed], njd, asarandi, bterry, sebbu2, rainystorm, gxt, ren, jjuran, neceve, [schmarty], nertzy, geoffo, dmowitz, barnaby, fabricsheet, gRegor, tbbrown and [jamietanna] joined the channel
[preview] The Open Source Initiative (OSI) is collaborating with OpenLogic by Perforce for the third year on the State of Open Source Survey, this year also joined by the Eclipse Foundation.The survey, which runs through November 10th, examines the day-to-day ...
geoffo, [jacky] and lawt joined the channel