#indieweb 2023-12-15

2023-12-15 UTC
Bitweasil-, cimento, [chrisaldrich], bret, eitilt, Dystopia and geoffo joined the channel
capjamesg[d] yes I use Scrivener for writing fiction, it's fantastic
dmowitz, eitilt, AramZS, strugee, alfplayer, rainystorm, geoffo, timdream, rvalue, [Murray], [manton], [schmarty], [snarfed], bterry and ShockTohp joined the channel
San Diego weather report for IndieWebCamp this weekend is 75 F, partly cloudy, wind at 7mph NNW, and 0% chance of precipitation.
geoffo, [KevinMarks] and dmowitz joined the channel
And a 100% chance of fun?
It could scarcely be better weather for an outdoor event in December at this latitude.
Check out my new website background: https://jamesg.blog/?1
[aciccarello] and [tantek] joined the channel
a bit #indieweb-meta, but I definitely plan on packing & wearing shorts at IWC SD. looking forward to taking a group photos with sun & t-shirts to make our East Coast / European friends envious
[tantek]: I forgot to pack my IWC T-shirt but I have hat + flag.
Can we do a group flag photo?
flag is amazing
[bjoern] joined the channel
I've been waiting to use it
geoffo, bret, Bitweasil, CRISPR and bret_ joined the channel