#indieweb 2023-12-17
2023-12-17 UTC
gxt, bret_, oodani, gRegor, geoffo, ren, rainystorm, rvalue, rocto, rvalue-, lockywolf, gRegorLove_, dmowitz, [KevinMarks], gRegorLove__ and [tantek] joined the channel
[Joe_Crawford] We are

[Joe_Crawford] In the back corner. There is a typewriter.
capjamesg [Joe_Crawford] Can you ask Chris what kind of typewriter that is?
[Joe_Crawford] Smith Corona
[Joe_Crawford] https://etherpad.indieweb.org/IndieWebCamp_San_Diego is the etherpad for today. Participants, please put your goals for the day in there! Thanks!
[Joe_Crawford] Smith Corona Clipper from 1948
[chrisaldrich] capjamesg, It's me, so you know there has to be a post about it, right?! https://boffosocko.com/2023/04/16/1948-smith-corona-clipper/

Loqi [preview] [Chris Aldrich] 1948 Smith-Corona “Clipper”Childhood TypewritersI’ve had a hollow space in my chest where a typewriter wanted to be. I’d had a few inexpensive plastic ones in my childhood before having a really spectacular Smith-Corona, but I thought that th... https://i0.wp.com/boffosocko.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/wp-1681680217457-scaled.jpg?fit=2560%2C1920&ssl=1

capjamesg [chrisaldrich] What would you consider to be a good beginner's typewriter?
capjamesg [chrisaldrich]++
capjamesg for the blog post.
[Isaac_Hudson] joined the channel
[Isaac_Hudson] Thanks [tantek]!
[Joe_Crawford] Howdy [Isaac_Hudson]++
peterkaminski joined the channel
alabut joined the channel
[Joe_Crawford] Currently in line to talk to manager about back corner power. They are super busy. Hoping there’s a trick to get it to work. Or borrow an extension cord. Fallback is to get an extension cord from my home
[Joe_Crawford] She’s going to check if there’s a switch for the power
gRegor alabut, you can update https://indieweb.org/2023/SD/indienewbies to replace your name+link with

and it should work#
[chrisaldrich] Caphamesg any typewriter that works is a good starter. Some of the stuff from the 40s thru 70s are the best work horses. Smith-Corona, Royal, Hermes are all good names. If you look a bit, under US$50 is a great price point. Over that is gouging unless it's been fully cleaned an refurbished.

[Joe_Crawford] Is it working she tried a switch? [chrisaldrich] ?
[KevinMarks] Now singing "Smith Corona" to the tune of "My Sharona"

Loqi The sparkline template is used to display an inline photo with an optional class attached, e.g. to make a u-photo microformat. It is commonly used to create templates for users to sign their chat-name on Etherpads or wiki pages https://indieweb.org/sparkline_template

geoffo and peterkaminski joined the channel
[Joe_Crawford] WE HAVE POWER! 🔌 ✅
alabut joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] [KevinMarks], did you get that from reading my post? (Sorry....) It's stuck in my head too...

capjamesg 🙈
Loqi Sorry, I don't see demos on https://indieweb.org/irc-people

[chrisaldrich] alabut++ for a new sparkline and user page

[Joe_Crawford] gRegor++ remote Camp proctoring!
peterkaminski joined the channel
gRegor easy goal done! Created https://indieweb.org/Slim

alabut joined the channel
alabut joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] Angelo (and [Al_Abut]) with regard to your question(s) about domains and interviews, there was a post from cogdog in 2018 about "interviewing" your website. Here's my responses https://boffosocko.com/2018/06/13/the-story-of-my-domain/ which should have links to Alan's original as well.

peterkaminski joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] "Scope Creep" is going to be the name of my next dog....

[chrisaldrich] capjamesg++ for stepping outside of comfort zones. 🙂

[Joe_Crawford] [tantek] the fish I observed was https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/102632107 - this is my friend who posted to inaturalist before I got an account
[Joe_Crawford] which I also posted to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Porichthys_myriaster
Loqi [preview] [Joe Crawford] from Instagram https://instagr.am/p/CXJVljRlY05/ via IFTTT
UPDATE 2023:
Also: when this was posted to Facebook several people commented that this fish was particularly unusual. And asked what it was.
I did not know.
My friend Susan posted to inatural...

[Joe_Crawford] Absolutely remarkable the good that can happen out of sharing to the internet! Identifying people from old photos, even connecting to those people. Identifying mysteries, so engaging and wonderful.
[Joe_Crawford] It was my cousin who is a fisherman who said "that's a weird fish and should not be washing up on shore at So Mission Jetty"
[aciccarello] joined the channel
[aciccarello] I added my iNaturalist account to my homepage earlier this year. It's a cool community.
Loqi YASNS is short for Yet Another Social Networking Service and refers to the ever repeating cycle of new social network silos emerging, inviting "key" users, perhaps with limited invitations, and people rebuilding their "friends" lists for the nth time https://indieweb.org/YASNS

[jamietanna] joined the channel
capjamesg A year in review: https://2023-rebrew.openlab.dev/

Loqi 💯 A 100 days project in the IndieWeb community is a challenge to do or make something and post about it on your own site every day for 100 days https://indieweb.org/100days

[Joe_Crawford] til Google Docs can do image to text https://artlung.com/blog/2023/12/17/handwriting-to-my-website/
gRegor joined the channel
gRegor joined the channel
geoffo joined the channel
peterkaminski joined the channel
[Murray] joined the channel
Loqi [preview] [Chris Aldrich] Typecasting with IndieWeb Building Blocks #blogging #IndieWebCampSanDiego #typecasts #typewritershttps://boffosocko.com/2023/12/17/typecasting-with-indieweb-building-blocks/ https://i0.wp.com/boffosocko.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/wp-1702846219602330492002970121503.jpg?fit=1912%2C2000&ssl=1

peterkaminski speaking of pneumatic tubes, there is an RFC for IP over Avian Carriers: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc1149
gRegor up next, angelo, https://ragt.ag

gRegor wanted to get /metaformats support, recent experimental support added to /mf2py

gRegor also working on /metaformats, experiments to translate them into microformats

gRegor shows some /ticketing updates he made, now has a ticket received from [fluffy]

peterkaminski joined the channel
peterkaminski wiki page for my day 2: https://peterkaminski.wiki/indiewebcamp_san_diego_2023,_day_2