[tantek]The daily requirement makes it extra hard if your days are very bursty with work meetings and such, though I suppose you could prepare a few posts in the pipeline and just do the actual "publish" action the morning of
[tantek]aaronpk how did you pull it off for 100days? Did you have a queue of things that you "wrapped up" and published each day? Or did you literally think of something each day of?
[tantek]I need a drafts tool that lets me cluster drafts by some coarse "readiness" status: idea/concept, sentence, paragraph, has summary, has conclusion, has footnotes & glossary, grammar & spelling reviewed & fixed, edited down for focus & length, published!
Loqi[preview] [Tantek Çelik] Time to begin again: restarting my #100Days of #IndieWeb project for 2024, as a #100Posts of IndieWeb project, and congrats to the IndieWeb community on a fully completed 2023 IndieWeb Gift Calendar!
Last year I completed 48 out of a planned 100 pos...
[tantek]Can I get a reader feature that auto-collapses that kind of copy pasta into one line and appends [*10] to the one short line of actual content?
[tantek]Also since such text posts are primarily design to influence emotion to "sell" the statement as "truth" by repetition rather than actually convey a valid point (if it was valid, you wouldn't need to repeat 10x times in crass attempt at manipulation), I'd also be up for an auto-mute feature of folks that post such things.
[tantek][KevinMarks] streaks are similar (adjacent) to N-days projects, but absolutely not the same. streaks are emergent, whereas N-days projects are a priorit