#indieweb 2024-01-23
2024-01-23 UTC
btrem joined the channel
btrem I now own my own wordles! https://btrem.com/feed/wordle
[aciccarello] Nice! I'm surprised I haven't seen more wordle sharing sites
[aciccarello] How do you import your scores? Just the normal share text?
[aciccarello] I wish it were easier to share the actual words
[aciccarello] I have a group chat with some family members and we share our words after we've all played (or the next day).
rvalue joined the channel
tPoltergeist and ren joined the channel
Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "Wordle" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "Wordle is ____", a sentence describing the term)

btrem I have lots more to do on it. Like figure out my site permalinks, which means spinning off a large subsection of posts to a new site (probably subdomain). Then I can start posting individual wordle solutions. Still, I'm rather pleased that I have gotten as far as I have. I don't think I can get into details without getting a scolding from Loqi.
geoffo joined the channel
btrem Wordle is a word game made by Josh Wardle in which players get six tries to guess a word. When the game is over, a player has the option to copy a grid of tiles that shows how the game progressed, enabling the player to share her/his game on social media, text, or email, without spoiling it for others. This sharing mechanism helped popularise the game.
Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "Wordle" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "Wordle is ____", a sentence describing the term)

btrem Wordle is a word game made by Josh Wardle in which players get six tries to guess a word. When the game is over, a player has the option to copy a grid of tiles that shows how the game progressed, enabling the player to share her/his game on social media, text, or email, without spoiling it for others. This sharing mechanism helped popularise the game.
Loqi A definition on the IndieWeb wiki should be an accessible, basic, clear, plain English description of the term (or phrase) naming a wiki page, with an explicit connection to the term’s relevance to the IndieWeb, and ideally without any use of jargon https://indieweb.org/definition

btrem That explains why put a page on the wiki about Wordle. If you want, you can compare the stub I made with the wikipedia version https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wordle and see if it passes muster.
Loqi You can expand a page that someone has started by expanding the definition, adding one or more new sections, or add to an existing section https://indieweb.org/expand_a_page

gRegor and bret joined the channel
btrem I just discovered https://xkcd.com/325/ via the indieweb wiki, and I'm practically crying from laughing so hard. ;-D
tPoltergeist joined the channel
twistedtranssister https://about.werd.io So I know this is going to seem like an exceptionally noob-ish question. How do I make a page like this? I am wanting to create an about me page that is similarly formatted. Thought this would be a simple HTML page but upon inspection it looks more complicated.
[aciccarello] You definitely can do it with just an HTML page and some styles. If you're wanting more tips on that, people in the #indieweb-dev channel can definitely help. I think there are also some templates you could use or even a paid service you could use.
[aciccarello] https://about.me/ was the service I was thinking of. They have a free option but you have to pay to use a custom domain name.
bret, bret_, bret__, CRISPR and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
[KevinMarks] they don't support rel=me though https://about.me/kevinmarks

[Al_Abut] joined the channel
[jeremycherfas] I keep a list of media consumed. Does that count?

rainystorm, Nonsvch and tPoltergeist joined the channel
capjamesg[d] twistedtranssister[d] Welcome!

capjamesg[d] https://glitch.com/glitch-in-bio might be a good place to start!

capjamesg[d] "Remix" means make your own copy.

capjamesg[d] You can change the code to do whatever you want!

capjamesg[d] [edit] https://glitch.com/glitch-in-bio might be a good place to start!

[Paul_Robert_Ll] Good discussion about the IndieWeb on the latest episode of ShopTalk Show: https://shoptalkshow.com/599/
twistedtranssister capjamesg[d]: Thank you! I put that in my bookmarks for when I wake up 🙂
capjamesg[d] Happy to help!

[jeremycherfas], bterry, Guest6, tPoltergeist, Oclair, antranigv, [tantek], [benatwork], geoffo, [Joe_Crawford]1, jjuran_, cptaffe`, vroman, [campegg], [snarfed] and [aciccarello] joined the channel
[aciccarello] Listening to that shoptalk show episode now. Interesting to hear how IndieWeb adjacent people describe the community.
[Al_Abut] Yeah, totally. I read through the transcript and agreed overall with their “interested in the community but cautious about implementing all the features” vibe.
[aciccarello] I know we're pretty clear about it but it seems like a lot of people get overwhelmed by all the features when really it's more about using the features you actually want.
[aciccarello] And also not linear
[Al_Abut] [aciccarello] “I know we’re pretty clear about it” is a bold statement my friend 😉
jonnybarnes joined the channel
Loqi ok, I added "to-do: update summary to clearly communicate a "pick and choose building blocks" and explicitly not a checklist. perhaps add an FAQ about that as well." to the "See Also" section of /IndieMark https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=92568&oldid=87226

sknebel something I've seen for other things a few times recently is this kind of format, which still has some notion of a degree of difficulty/complexity, can place things that build on each other next to each other, but is maybe more clearly "pick and choose" https://github.com/sjpiper145/MakerSkillTree
rubenwardy What is indiemark

Loqi ✅ IndieMark is an in-progress set of metrics for measuring the indieweb-ness of a site, and a step-by-step approach to incrementally building IndieWeb features for your site, and as such is currently written for folks who are comfortable with web development https://indieweb.org/IndieMark

rubenwardy A level system doesn't really make sense as you can not do levels

[campegg] Re: IndieMark (appropriateness of level system aside) I'm curious why searchability is a requisite criterion for an IndieWeb site?
[tantek] glad you asked [campegg]. we have a URL for that: https://indieweb.org/search#Why

capjamesg[d] I don't think we should promote IndieMark.

capjamesg[d] It was on our Getting Started page until I removed it.

capjamesg[d] It shows our priorities, but is too prescriptive of "x, y, z are things you should do in a, b, c order".

[campegg] Thanks, [tantek]! I have to say I don't entirely agree with the with the logic behind being "found and preferably above and before content on https://indieweb.org/silos"—a _lot_ of silo content isn't indexed, so isn't going to show up in search anyway
[campegg] I mean, I do get it from an identity perspective, but personally, I'm going to stay opted out
capjamesg[d] Agreed.

[campegg] ++
[campegg] Sure! Let me gather my thoughts a bit, but happy to share (and add to the wiki if there's an appropriate place for it)
[campegg] Thanks, [tantek]++
[campegg] @tantek—a quick brain dump:
[campegg] • One of the key reasons to have a personal site in the first place is to own one's data, and allowing it to be ingested and displayed without context in a search engine cedes control over that data. It's not necessarily "context collapse" in the same sense as I've seen discussed around (e.g.) backfeed, but it feels similar to me.
[campegg] • I don't want my data being used to train whatever the model du jour is at any given provider. This isn't an anti-AI stance, it's more that I dislike the sense of entitlement that a lot of companies exhibit.
[campegg] • I'd really rather not have my thoughts appear alongside the ever-increasing volumes of (incresingly Ai-generated) SEO chum
[campegg] • The temptation to "write for Google" rather than for other humans is strong (see also: https://www.theverge.com/c/23998379/google-search-seo-algorithm-webpage-optimization), and I would prefer to take it off the table; playing the SEO game is a losing proposition anyway
[campegg] Probably important context that my site isn't tied to my professional life in any way; I don't rely on it to generate income or referrals or anything like that… obviously if that's what your site is for, you need to be showing up in search. My site is for play, not pay, so I have the luxury of being able to ignore search
lazcorp joined the channel
BinarySavior i was able to register a .vet TLD with google domains, but when I try to register another .vet TLD over at ionos it says I can't due to legal reasons
BinarySavior who makes these rules, who enforces them, and why can google register .vet but not ionos?
twistedtranssister One would assume ICANN. Which is why I hope that handshake domains really will take off, and browsers will build in the necesarry components to display them. I have a fantastic domain that is a HS domain, but because so few people use the browsers needed to display them, and even know what they are to begin with, I am beholden as most are to ICANN and their stupid rules and regulations. Like on how a .us TLD can n
[Joe_Crawford] Not every registrar can register every "TLD" (top level domain, like `.com` , `.org` or in this case `.vet`) - it requires an agreement with the 3rd party seller and the Registry I believe mediated by ICANN rules. Though when I search for a domain on IONOS (I tried `http://blah.net`) it seems like it is available via IONOS. 🤷

lanodan and idealhack[d] joined the channel