#indieweb 2024-02-29

2024-02-29 UTC
gRegorLove_, burley and to2ds joined the channel
Homebrew Website Club - Pacific is starting soon! Join us! https://events.indieweb.org/gT9WhdtBhsjs
ShockTohp, conzeit and [Caleb_Hearth] joined the channel
what is jam
♫ jam is an active type of post used to share a song that you are recently enjoying https://indieweb.org/jam
what is listen
🎧 A scrobble (AKA a listen) is a passive type of post used to publish a song (music or audio track, including concert recordings or DJ sets) or podcast that you have listened to https://indieweb.org/listen
what is libre.fm
It looks like we don't have a page for "libre.fm" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "libre.fm is ____", a sentence describing the term)
oakridge, geoffo and [Al_Abut] joined the channel
Man, I’m having so much fun reading everyone’s entries for this month’s indieweb carnival theme.
And SO glad I didn’t end up submitting mine. I kept trying to get a draft over the line but everything came out so emo in comparison to all the reasoned smart takes I’m reading now 😂
bterry1, [lcs], burley, geoffo and directiv[d] joined the channel
Couldn't agree more [Al_Abut] so many awesome takes. Still working my way through the full list, but wow, there are some thoughtful and gifted writers in this community.
teasea, [KevinMarks], burley, rolle and ren joined the channel
[indienews] New post: "Blogging is the medium of incomplete stories" https://jamesg.blog/2024/02/29/blogging-medium-incomplete-stories/
Guest6 and [Joao_Paulo_Pes] joined the channel
what is indieweb carnival
IndieWeb carnival is a blog carnival on topics related to the IndieWeb specifically https://indieweb.org/indieweb-carnival
burley, ttybitnik, burley_ and [manton] joined the channel
Hey there! Today I'm releasing an open-source pet project that might interest part of the community that uses Hugo
Exciting! Share a link when you do 😄
Basically, it is a CLI tool that helps importing into Hugo exported data files from popular social media services (Goodreads, Letterboxd, IMDb, and so on)
Everything is explained in the README. The link to the repo is https://github.com/ttybitnik/diego (there's a demo in case it sounded a bit confusing hehe)
Feedback, suggestions and contributions are more than welcome :)
mahboubine joined the channel
Oooh! Very cool! A lot of people here use / have used Letterboxd or Goodreads. The topic of tracking these things on your website comes up a lot.
If people have technical questions, please take them to #indieweb-dev, where more people who code are around to answer questions / discuss technical things.
Thanks! Glad to hear that!
@ttybitnik this is really cool! taking some of my dev-y comments to #indieweb-dev
ren joined the channel
[indienews] New post: "Mistrust-Based Technology Choices" https://artlung.com/blog/2024/02/28/mistrust-based-technology-choices/
[Joe_Crawford], rainystorm, geoffo, fcser, [snarfed], [qubyte], [aciccarello], shoesNsocks, [Murray], gRegor, bterry, jacky, to2ds, gRegorLove_, gRegorLove__, [Paul_Robert_Ll] and burley joined the channel
[lcs] you want to know the funny thing? I completely forgot it was a leap year 🤦‍♂️ so maybe I will get that draft into good enough shape to share for the iw carnival after all.
favicon joined the channel
Do it! I published mine this morning.
gRegorLove_ and to2ds joined the channel
I just read it! Really cool. It’s inspiring to see what others are inspired by and you’re right, open source being a piece of ongoing community collaboration is one of those things we take for granted.
[Joe_Crawford] I love your blogroll design!
favicon joined the channel
Thanks James!
jacky, geoffo, [tantek], petermolnar, burley, to2ds, chimo and AramZS joined the channel
Yay, first successful webmention sent after only three attempts!
to2ds++ nice! 🎉
to2ds has 3 karma in this channel over the last year (4 in all channels)
AramZS joined the channel
to2ds has 4 karma in this channel over the last year (5 in all channels)
to2ds I received it 🙂
I tried to send you one but it looks like you don't have an endpoint set up yet.
When you get one set up, I'll send one 🙂
Thank you everyone.
I don't have inbound set up yet.
May have to take the to dev channel.
burley joined the channel