#indieweb 2024-03-03

2024-03-03 UTC
[snarfed], burley, [Joe_Crawford], ren, bterry, angelo_, bret, burley_, jacky, [jeremycherfas], geoffo, gRegor, oodani, Guest6 and ttybitnik joined the channel
A couple days late, but thanks for the welcome messages! And cool site capjamesg[d] . Definitely going to reference the 100 things to do on your personal website post.
burley, jacky and ren joined the channel
joxef[d] Thank you! I'm excited to see what you make! Keep us updated and feel free to ask for help at any time!
burley_ and jacky joined the channel
Definitely will do, thanks capjamesg[d] ! By the way, how do I get access to #indieweb-chat ?
Ah! #indieweb-chat resets if you don't have it in focus.
The chat is "unlogged" so people can have ephermal conversations.
The feature isn't used too much on other Discord servers, but many communitity members have come to like the unlogged nature of that room here.
maybe worth adding that to /discuss#Discord
jacky: What a coincidence to log in and see this post! I'm writing a community reader that can discover a feed link on a website.
[preview] Jennifer del Gato
@Loqi You're gonna have to learn JavaScript for that to work.
James's blog reminds me that I need to implement Webmentions on my site. lol
I need to update a bunch of the manual things on my home page
mahboubine and geoffo joined the channel
I should add a NSFW disclaimer to those links for those who don't get my schtick, even though you have to agree to be 18 to even enter the site.
@Loqi After we teach you JavaScript, we'll move on to advanced subjects like irony.
[Tilley] joined the channel
gives Loqi a taste of his own medicine
loves the taste of his own medicine
ok homepage updated to no longer have out of date information. small victories
tantek_com[d] Can you comment on specific browser implementations of CSS? I presume you know something about how Firefox works.
I'll post my question in the dev forum.
jacky joined the channel
Loqi has 4 karma in this channel over the last year (13 in all channels)
Oooh! capjamesg[d] just reminded me to get off my duff and make my review of some of my fav coffee shops!
real_devastatia[d] lawd I'm that old to get the Geekly Reader/Weekly Reader pun without even blinking. 😅
starrwulfe[d] My friend who was born in 1959 got a giggle out of it too. I was dismayed to learn yesterday that Scholastic discontinued publication of the WR when they bought it out in 2012.
gRegor joined the channel
The OKC newspaper was called the Daily Oklahoman for many years before they renamed it. The local LGBTQ community spoofed it with a paper called the Gaily Oklahoman.
Bit by bit, bye-bye my childhood. I used to be in charge of passing them out when I was in elementary school 38 years ago. Some really good articles, and a really big piece of kindling that sparked my interest in journalism I'm sure
I liked to sniff the fresh mimeograph printouts. Explains much, perhaps.
-> #indieweb-chat
burley joined the channel
capjamesg[d]: Fair. Maybe I'll have to hop on irc for the first time in I don't know how long.
angelo joined the channel
joxef[d]: No obligation! The main discussions happen in #indieweb. Chat is more of a social place where we all say good morning and sometimes random facts of our day.
Oh, and there's a Taylor Swift bot in there.
Start a message with `!ts <word>` to get a related lyric (i.e. `!ts breakfast`)
burley, to2ds and fcser joined the channel