[snarfed], burley, [Joe_Crawford], ren, bterry, angelo_, bret, burley_, jacky, [jeremycherfas], geoffo, gRegor, oodani, Guest6 and ttybitnik joined the channel
#joxefA couple days late, but thanks for the welcome messages! And cool site capjamesg[d] . Definitely going to reference the 100 things to do on your personal website post.
burley, jacky and ren joined the channel
#capjamesgjoxef[d] Thank you! I'm excited to see what you make! Keep us updated and feel free to ask for help at any time!
burley_ and jacky joined the channel
#joxefDefinitely will do, thanks capjamesg[d] ! By the way, how do I get access to #indieweb-chat ?
#capjamesgAh! #indieweb-chat resets if you don't have it in focus.
#capjamesgThe chat is "unlogged" so people can have ephermal conversations.
#capjamesgThe feature isn't used too much on other Discord servers, but many communitity members have come to like the unlogged nature of that room here.
#real_devastatia@Loqi You're gonna have to learn JavaScript for that to work.
#real_devastatiaJames's blog reminds me that I need to implement Webmentions on my site. lol
#[tantek]I need to update a bunch of the manual things on my home page
mahboubine and geoffo joined the channel
#real_devastatiaI should add a NSFW disclaimer to those links for those who don't get my schtick, even though you have to agree to be 18 to even enter the site.
#LoqiLoqi has 4 karma in this channel over the last year (13 in all channels)
#starrwulfeOooh! capjamesg[d] just reminded me to get off my duff and make my review of some of my fav coffee shops!
#starrwulfereal_devastatia[d] lawd I'm that old to get the Geekly Reader/Weekly Reader pun without even blinking. 😅
#real_devastatiastarrwulfe[d] My friend who was born in 1959 got a giggle out of it too. I was dismayed to learn yesterday that Scholastic discontinued publication of the WR when they bought it out in 2012.
gRegor joined the channel
#real_devastatiaThe OKC newspaper was called the Daily Oklahoman for many years before they renamed it. The local LGBTQ community spoofed it with a paper called the Gaily Oklahoman.
#starrwulfeBit by bit, bye-bye my childhood. I used to be in charge of passing them out when I was in elementary school 38 years ago. Some really good articles, and a really big piece of kindling that sparked my interest in journalism I'm sure
#real_devastatiaI liked to sniff the fresh mimeograph printouts. Explains much, perhaps.
#joxefcapjamesg[d]: Fair. Maybe I'll have to hop on irc for the first time in I don't know how long.
angelo joined the channel
#capjamesgjoxef[d]: No obligation! The main discussions happen in #indieweb. Chat is more of a social place where we all say good morning and sometimes random facts of our day.
#capjamesgOh, and there's a Taylor Swift bot in there.
#capjamesgStart a message with `!ts <word>` to get a related lyric (i.e. `!ts breakfast`)