#indieweb 2024-04-18

2024-04-18 UTC
to2ds, [tw2113], geoffo, [tantek], sebbu2, gruetzhaxe, gruetzhaxe_, stefen, oakridge, gRegor, gRegorLove_ and [Scout] joined the channel
↩️ i can come next time! a rare wednesday evening off 🙂
↩️ [Scout] It would be great to see you! Next Wednesday Joe is running an ace front-end study hall: https://events.indieweb.org/2024/04/front-end-study-hall-FHS5M2AofkU4 - I’m not sure if I can make it but I’m gonna try
jonnybarnes, sdk, gRegor, ttybitnik, [snarfed], [pfefferle], bterry, gruetzhaxe, ShockTohp and [Ros] joined the channel
I’m not 100% sure where my message belongs but I’m thinking here because it’s related to our Homebrew convo yesterday about what stands in the way of a newbie website-maker thinking HTML is too complicated to understand.
I found this tool: *https://ia.net/presenter -* it’s designed for making presentations entirely in markdown. It’s really nice to use! I thought it was a good demonstration of making “text with more punctuation” (™ [tantek]) accessible for newbies. If you are interested to check out how they walk the user through the process, the demo is free for 2 weeks and you can see the markdown language explanation on the sidebar.
gruetzhaxe and [contact898] joined the channel
(Mac-only it seems)
I think the #1 best thing to help with that perception of HTML is view-source. Browsers are making it harder and harder to find these days (not the dev tools, actual _view source_). It’s not present at all in desktop Safari until “Show features for web developers” is checked in the settings. Shouldn’t need to be a dev to be curious.
↩️ correct
barnaby, asarandi, gruetzhaxe, [Joe_Crawford], bterry, jgee118692253458, mdemo, rvalue and [Al_Abut] joined the channel
100% agreed [qubyte]. That was my biggest takeaway from yesterday’s discussion - a helpful reminder that viewing source is a powerful feeling if you’ve never done it before. Like pulling back the curtain to see that the web is made of things you can understand.
gruetzhaxe and cedric joined the channel
I'd like to see better support of View Source on mobile personally. Anyone have a good view source experience on mobile or tablets that they can share?
[campegg] joined the channel
[tantek] I don't know if I'd say it was "good", but the least bad experience I've found for iOS is the Web Inspector extension: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/web-inspector/id1584825745
And definitely better on iPad than iPhone
yeah I was hoping for something built-in
as in enabled by default (or maybe with a setting?) inside a browser, no need to install anything else
like something someone might have already installed ideally
[aciccarello], plantroon, [KevinMarks] and gRegor joined the channel