arunwadhwaI do have a personal website, but I haven’t updated it in years. I do plan on getting back into blogging again. I used to blog on fairly regular basis in late 00s and early 10s but then Med School happened and I just lost the habit. I finally created an all new personal website on a static site generator back in 2018 or so, but was not able to get back into the habit of the same.
arunwadhwaI do think I have a lot of things to share lately but since my Mac gave up on me, I never returned to the blog scene. Thinking of resuming it all using my phone and iPad. I was trying to edit my repository for IndieWeb integration to add the rel=‘“me” just to find that I has used GitLab to fork a template and that my template didn’t have its own native layout folder and was reliant on the fork. Unfortunately GitLab doesn’t allow
Loqihey arunwadhwa: it looks like this conversation is getting pretty technical (site generator, static site generator, template), can you take it to #indieweb-dev?
arunwadhwaOh, I just realized #indieweb doesn’t support deletion of messages. My bad. Sorry for talking technical here. I’d be mindful of this in the future.
arunwadhwaAnd oh my god, I just realized how my keyboard screwed me over with has instead of had and so many other typos in those technical messages! Ooof!