momuslimHi everyone! My name is Mo and I recently stumbled upon IndieWeb while I was reading this article: … I grew up spending a lot of time learning and meeting people on the internet and I’m very glad to discover this community!
momuslimI’m still working on my personal site and plan on releasing it soon, will definitely share it here when it’s up. Currently, I’m building a tool to recommend relevant content on the internet so that’s been taking a good amount of my time.
[schmarty]i'd summarize it as a focus on posting where your friends/family/etc are spending time. in that, "as many channels as possible" isn't a goal.
[aciccarello]I went to a local NWSL soccer game this weekend and was inspired to stub out a page for recommending all our region's local sports teams. It made me realize some more complexity with reviews but it's been an interesting problem to work on.
[snarfed]hi all! Bridgy Fed Bluesky status update, I've slowly started onboarding beta testers to bridge both web sites and fediverse accounts to/from Bluesky
[snarfed]let me know if you want me to turn it on for your web site. on the fediverse, you can enable it by following, or on Bluesky by following
[snarfed]Also, Bluesky currently depends on polling, so anything from there to the fediverse will take up to 5m, including the initial follow of the bot user
[snarfed]Please don't announce more widely, not ready for much attention just yet. Feel free to file issues for any problems you notice if there isn't already an open one!
Auctusit strikes me as a little ironic that most of the discussion about open standards / indie web / owning your platform / not being beholden to corporate whims is mostly taking place on closed web-apps that aren't open standards and that you can be arbitrarily banned from, like slack and discord
Auctusthe only way i was able to get on there to follow the development of an open source project (which was exclusively discussed on discord at that time)
Loqi💬 Join the #indieweb discussion chat via the web, Slack, IRC, or Discord, now with additional focused channels for developers, WordPress, and meta topics!
gRegorcophee, you can while you're joined to the channel. That channel is purposefully off the record so can't see past logs,