#indieweb 2024-05-30

2024-05-30 UTC
gerben, skinshafi, aldur, barnaby, Moult, alephalpha0, sohrab, jjuran, AramZS, mald0r0r, mdemo, rvalue, erscheinung[d], mauromotion[d], pcarrier[d], [Joe_Crawford], [schmarty], [Paul_Robert_Ll], [snarfed], [aciccarello], [tantek], IWSlackGateway, [Jo], [Ros], skinshafi_, Maxpm, jmjl, [KevinMarks], [gerwitz], cedric, nertzy, bterry, ocra8, geoffo, [qubyte], alesr and DJ_[dj_je][d] joined the channel; mcepl left the channel
Was that a linktree style service for musicians?
geoffo joined the channel
certainly looks like it
it was useful for sharing songs when people don't all use the same service too
site-deaths << 2024-07-22 Songwhip(.com) "services will cease" per https://web.archive.org/web/20240530165251/https://songwhip.com/faq/sunset — unknown number of accounts, unknown number of user created / shared links
ok, I added "2024-07-22 Songwhip(.com) "services will cease" per https://web.archive.org/web/20240530165251/https://songwhip.com/faq/sunset — unknown number of accounts, unknown number of user created / shared links" to the "See Also" section of /site-deaths https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=95600&oldid=95535
Benji shared just yesterday that he's using the site https://song.link/ for similar usage in his posting tool.
[schmarty], barnaby, gRegor and alesr joined the channel
Benji++ for a beautiful Micropub Client demo yesterday
Benji has 4 karma in this channel over the last year (5 in all channels)
how do folks balance posting something small but partial quickly, vs posting something medium but say 80% complete in days or weeks?
maybe this is the challenge of decomposing ideas down to minimal re-usable chunks
sohrab joined the channel
Usually it consists of noodling on the 80% draft for too long, forgetting or getting tired of it, then later deleting the draft :D
antranigv joined the channel
or more like :melting_face:
A bit of exaggeration on my part, but it's probably happened a few times :)
I've been experimenting with Obsidian and its daily notes feature to jot down ideas which I sometimes work into posts
antranigv and [benatwork] joined the channel
Not so much balance but I just do what feels right for the post with absolutely no concern for how it fits into the site as a whole 😉 eg I post a lot of three paragraph posts, but also just did a 3,000 word post intentionally for a particular audience that's having the impact I hoped it would.
I guess another way to put that is: my longer posts tend to be for other people; my shorter posts tend to be for me.
Nuve joined the channel
gRegor, I feel seen ("am in this picture and don't like it" 😂 )
I would love to view a feed of *only* short posts on a site just to learn how others do it
feed/archive etc.
that's not quite notes, because those can be longer
and it's also not not articles, because you can have short articles
schmudde and skinshafi joined the channel
goodness sakes, many paragraphs, glossary, couple of references, and 80min just to write up a "simple" idea 😭 😂
(I use "asides" for those posts)
[benatwork] idk what's main topic vs an aside on my site / blog
yeah, I more mean it as "here's a longer note that I'm jotting down" rather than "here's an idea I'm Publishing"
antranigv and [snarfed] joined the channel
anyone else get into XOXO? it'd be fun to get an indieweb group together there!
[snarfed] See #meta!
I'm in, and my son Andrew is. Waiting to see if Christopher gets in
antranigv and timdream joined the channel
[snarfed] are you going?
a bunch of us have gotten in
time to expand the XOXO 2024 page
sp1ff joined the channel
yes! I'm in and almost certainly going
which URL do I send my rsvp webmention to 🤔
I guess both https://2024.xoxofest.com/ and the https://events.indieweb.org/ event once it's there
[snarfed] yes we likely should make an events.indieweb for all of XOXO 2024, then if/when there is a "Slack channel meetup", a separate event for that, then if we schedule a one-day Create Day / IWC a separate event for that
barnaby joined the channel
snarfed has 33 karma in this channel over the last year (100 in all channels)
skinshafi_ and nertzy joined the channel