#indieweb 2024-06-10

2024-06-10 UTC
bt, [snarfed], alesr, [Al_Abut], strugee_, ren, bterry1, jeremycherfas, toastal, jjuran, zicklepop, [Jo], barnaby, dosmaen, ocra8, AramZS, Nuve, afrodidact, [Murray], rvalue and chadsix joined the channel
alesr, barnaby and [bneil] joined the channel
ooh, neat. had a very similar idea awhile back. If you need any coding help let me know.
skinshafi joined the channel
would love to have a world with more integration with websites of people that I know create genuine content.
bterry1, gRegor, barnaby, sp1ff, jonnybarnes, skinshafi, ren and alesr joined the channel
now this is something different: comment over SSH https://blog.haschek.at/2023/ssh-based-comment-system.html
toastal and alesr joined the channel
thats great!!
i saw a few capsules on the gemini protocol that do this
(Loqi voice) SSH, Gemini, protocol, this sounds like a topic more appropriate for #indieweb-dev
ocra8, toastal, bterry1 and barnaby joined the channel; toastal left the channel
not until it triggers Loqi :P
[develumpen] joined the channel
hi 👋
do you know any indieweb client that supports multiple accounts? I'm implementing indieweb in multiple sites and would be awesome not having to sign in/out all the time.
I usually use http://micropublish.net and love it
barnaby, mald0r0r and ttybitnik joined the channel
petermolnar, challenge accepted
develumpen++ great question, I don't know of any offhand, but agree it's an interesting use-case. Worth talking more specifics about how to create/build that in the #indieweb-dev channel
develumpen has 1 karma over the last year
alesr, mald0r0r-, mald0r0r and geoffo joined the channel