jjuran_, lain`_, darylsun_, raghavgururajan_, vikanezrimaya_, sm2n_, okCiel_, [dpk], timdream_, oxtyped, lightpan, cambridgeport90, beanbrain, toastal, rvalue, bterry1, [jeremycherfas] and Harry joined the channel; toastal left the channel
HarryH all, does anyone have a good example of someone using a personal domain and then syndicating links to twitter, mastodon, etc. how much of the conentdonthey surface on twitter. Presumably more than just a link. Been reading about POSSEt
jonnybarnes, ren, raghavgururajan_, raghavgururajan, to2ds, lightpan, barnaby, BigShip, bterry1 and barnabywalters joined the channel; toastal left the channel