#indieweb 2024-07-14

2024-07-14 UTC
robalex joined the channel
Hm. I dunno about Mastodon. Indiepass seemed to function as a post-only Microblog.pub client last time I tried it.
JadedBlueEyes, bacardi55[m], Saphir, ren, rvalue, toastal, ramsey, mald0r0r, thegreekgeek, rainystorm, beanbrain, raucao and ludovicchabant joined the channel
capjamesg[d]: i just use fed bridgy
toastal, gRegorLove_, karjala, javivi, Guest1350, plantroon, rvalue-, anarchivist_, robotsnowfall, Ezri, thegr8whoopdini[, dissolve22[d], bterry, ren, barnaby, rainystorm, okCiel, sm2n, oodani, rvalue, jeremycherfas, donthatedontkill, geoffo, teasea, vroman, robalex and nertzy joined the channel; donthatedontkill left the channel
to2ds Are you re-doing your website design?
jboy, robalex, geoffo, raghavgururajan, jjuran, emigre and saptaks joined the channel