#indieweb 2024-07-23

2024-07-23 UTC
geoffo_ joined the channel
can't wait hehehe
i love webmentions ❤️
geoffo_, IWSlackGateway, [Jo], [Murray], [schmarty], geoffo, thegreekgeek, thegreekgeek_, rvalue, antranigv_, mfgfmc3, lain`, lane, darylsun, nnrx, Schnouki, victorneo, Spur, ancarda, capjamesg, paulgrmn, srushe, suki, sm2n, raghavgururajan, okCiel, shreyasminocha, vikanezrimaya, AramZS, shoesNsocks, eb, bterry, petermolnar, [tantek], jimw, mahboubine, zicklepop, gRegor, [manton], barnaby and chenghiz_ joined the channel