#indieweb 2024-07-29

2024-07-29 UTC
geoffo_, rvalue, chenghiz_, StarrWulfe, audy, oodani, toastal, lockywolf, hljhcjwzzh, petermolnar, laker, AramZS, lojik and IWDiscord joined the channel
The Tiny Awards are back, where they “celebrate the personal internet”. If you like any of the nominated sites, do not forget to vote before August 11 https://tinyawards.net/
bterry, JohnBeales, thegreekgeek, xcv, rvalue-, gRegor, Nebraskka_, StarrWulfe, barnaby, IWSlackGateway, [aaronpk], [tantek], [aciccarello], merlins, bret, bterry1, thegreekgeek_ and geoffo_ joined the channel